Who to Choose

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"Brookie! Brookie! Brookie! Can you believe it?! We're seniors already! SENIORS!!!!" shouted Chunji. 

I turned around to see my crazy childhood friend running to catch up to me. As I waited for him to catch up to me I smiled at the sight of him with his blonde hair getting caught in the wind, his backpack flapping up and down behind him. From a distance, he would easily get mistakened for a freshman rather than a senior as he ran clumsily up the hill.  

Chunji and I have been childhood friends since the day he moved into our neighborhood in my kindergarten year. Chunji had hazel brown eyes and blonde hair. On the other hand, I have brown medium length hair with a darker shade of brown eyes. Despite the difference in height, and hair color people would often mistaken us for siblings. 

"Hmm, I wonder what my last year wil be like. . . ." I wondered as I stood at the top of the hill. I looked downwards expecting to see Chunji struggling up the hill but I was surprised to see he wasn't there at all.

"Aish! Where is he? We're going to be late!" I said aloud as I stomped back down the hill. 

"BWAAAAAH!" shouted Chunji as he jumped in front of me and collapsed onto the floor laughing. 

"Chunji! What is your problem?! Ugh! I thought you fell down or hurt yourself! Stop laughing at me! It wasn't that funny! " I pouted as he continued to laugh on the floor. 

"Ugh! Get up! We have to get to school!" I said kicking him playfully. 

"Brookie! You should have seen your face! Like this!" he imitated my expression by opening his eyes wide and shaping his mouth into a wide "O". 

"Well, . . I guess I did look a bit  funny. . . but where were you?!" I said while trying to hold back my laugh at his ridiculous facial expression. 

"Aha! See, I made you smile! I made you smile! " He sang while poking my cheeks. 

Playfully slapping his hands away I looked down at my phone to check the time. Oh no!

"Chuuuuunji! Look! We're going to be late!" I whined and showed him the time. 

His eyes widened. "Brookie! We have to get to class!" he exclaimed. 

"Obviously! Come on! We have to hurry if we want to make it on time!" 

We were running back up the hill when we saw a sleek black car pull up a few feet in front of us. We cautionously slowed down our pace as we approached the car. As the backseat window rolled down, a face that was impossible not to recognize was revealed. 

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