California Girls Are Unforgettable

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Shelley Hennig above as Kate!

Teen Wolf fans you should know who this is!


Kate's POV

As we grab our luggage from the storage cabinet thingy that you put your suitcases in when you are on a plane. So many thoughts are going through my mind.


Taylor didn't tell me where she was moving to. Maybe California!

But that would be ridiculous.

No it wouldn't. It would be a miracle Kate.

Still whatever.

Elise was looking at me with a questioning gaze. "Are you alright Kate?"

I snapped back into reality. "Yeah. I mean yes I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be fine? I mean I'm totally okay."

Elise gave me a look. "No somethings on your mind. What is it?"

"Maybe moving would help me forget my mother." I looked down at the ground while we were waiting for a cab.

Elise put her hands on my shoulders. "Hey, when I married your father, I mean when I'm marrying your father. It will help me forget about my husband."

I looked up to see Elise with tears in her eyes. "Hey don't cry. Mom, it's alright. You're not the only one."

Elise smiles and gestures me to follow her. "We better get going. You're going to love the house."

"I hope. But it isn't my decision to like or not like the house. As long as you and dad like it I'm fine."

"You're the greatest daughter a mother could ever have. Did you know that?" Elise smiled and picks up her pace.

As Elise and I were going towards dad, he wasn't the only one.

There were three guys, probably me age. And a tall tan woman talking to one of the three guys.

"Who are they?" I pointed towards the four people.

"You'll see." Elise smiled and runs towards the tall woman.

"Adrianne, I missed you!" Elise says crushing Adrianne in a bear hug.

"I missed you to mom." Adrianne said.

Mom? Huh? I'm going to have a sister!

Adrianne turns towards me smiling. "You must be the famous Kate my mom never stops talking about you. I swear she even talks about you during her sleep."

I laughed. "Yes I am the famous Kate."

"Well I'm Adrianne and these are my three dumbass brothers." Adrianne rolled her eyes at them.

"Boys why don't you meet Kate?"Elise suggested.

The three boys groaned and walked slowly towards Adrianne and I.

One brave one with dark brown hair and a chiseled jaw came forward. Oldest probably.

"I'm Blake Worthington. The oldest one out of the three. And don't mess with me." Blake threatened. "I do not tempt with bitches like you."

I smirked. "Oh, so that means you fuck them before they can say, 'hey don't! I have a boyfriend you dickhead!'"

The two other guys growled at me, but I knew that growling was hiding their laughing.

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