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Mari's POV

"David, what are we playing to day for Game bang" "i think Just Dance 2016" "oh ok tha-"

Then a ran to a bathroom and thew up, David asked if he can come in and i did not care and he asked me a few ? "wait have you felt bad all day today" "ya" i said "this might sound weird for me but i have a wife, but is you period late?"   "Ya just by 3 days" "i think you might be peregrine go and get a thingy jiggy and if fan ask who its for just say its for Joven and he wants to see" he said.

i went and got my sunglasses and went, when i came back i did it, and I HAVE TO TELL SOHINKI OMG OMG and he is the .. dad.. and i have to tell him i like him and idk if he will be the same.


"hey mari i need to tell you something" "um ok i need to tell you something to but you first." she said

"Ireally like you and i want you to be my GIRLFRIEND" i said and i ran and sat in my car then she came up to me and said "i love you too and i want you to be my boyfriend and rember that hting we did in the bathroom? IM PERCENTAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Marhinki Loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن