Chapter 9: A New Look

Começar do início

I strapped another wepons pouch around my waist and looked at myself in the mirror.

I'm missing something... I shifted my weight to my left leg and tapped my chin in thought.

"Ahuh!" I smiled and pulled out a could of simple steel braceletts.

Just because I was going to be a ninja didn't mean I couldn't dress like a girl and look pretty.

I turned back to the mirror and frowned again.

I was still missing something.

"hnmmmmm" I grumbled quietly before I pulled my hair up into two ponytails.

Maybe because my hair wasn't done yet? I looked again once the ponytails were in place.

Hn. No dice...

I frowned and looked around my room for something to add to the outfit. My body from my collarbone down looked great! My head area just looked a little bland...

I found a peice of metal and smiled getting an idea. I twisted the sides of the metal into a swirly shape ( § ) and then tied the design onto a scrap peice of black cloth. Once that was done I tied the cloth onto my neck as a choker.

I grinned and nodded before walking out my bedroom door. Perfect.

Dad nearly had a heart attack when he saw me.

Ok... Maybe not perfect....

"what happened to my inoccent little Saya-chan?!" dad cried.

Mom looked at me and laughed. "it's not that bad Naruto-Kun at leaste she's covered"

I sweatdroped.

Did they think I was going to walk out of the house naked?!

Dad sighed and looked at me again before shaking his head. I smirked knowing I would had won any opposing arguements anyway.

"Saya-chan do me a favor?" dad asked scratching the back of his head, a sober look on his face.

"what is it dad?"

"knock any boy who looks at you for more then five seconds into next week" dad said quietly.

I could almost feel the question mark above my head. Dad just sighed and shook his head again. I thought him mutter something about me being just like my mother but I wasn't sure...

How was I like my mother? And why would boys be looking at me?

Mom glared at dad for a quick moment before she smiled at me.

'' your father and I got you a presant to celebrate your first day at the Acadamy!" mom grinned and offered me a big wrapped box with a cute little pink bow ontop.

I grinned and happily took the gift. I loved presents. Always had always will.

I started to rip into the boxes paper when I heard the front door slam open.

"wait!" I heard Sakura-Sama's voice call threw the house.

I halted my opening of the gift but eyes the box impatiently.

'don't worry little gift' I thought quietly 'I will be with you soon'

Sakura-Sama and Sai-Kun walking into the room and threw apologetics smiles at both of my glaring parents, but my eyes zeroed in on the two wrapped boxes they held.


Mom smiled at my impatient looks and gestured for me to continue.

A New LeafOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora