My walden

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"To write a great story start with a real struggle"
I remember reading about a person who had inspired me and I was to ashamed to admit it, I thought about it all , and I realize that we revolve around so many things we expect big things from each other, life can be really simple you decide its complicity Henry David Thoreau once said "how vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood to live" I myself am not prepared for the changes and the consequences of life but I know it's a possibility I want to be different from every body else but fear is what eats me up inside. Fear can make you loose your soul and everything you have within I know for a fact . who am I to tell you about fear? My whole entire life has been based on it when you thought you were doing the right thing for yourself you end up in a deeper catastrophe. It took bravery for him to do what he did one can say that he had gone completely mad but reading this in class made me realize that there were many things special about him I envied every poetry he wrote every thought he had every move he made and every decisions he took . He was my walden . He didn't care for the money and the fame the designers. As human beings we know when we're doing the right thing we know the consequences that comes with each decisions that we make. Why do we continue to live the same boring life over and over again? I myself could have never done what he did, he's my walden he's my air and I will always find myself to the same pond to keep from the darkness within and finding ways to immerse myself to nature slowly I will continue to relive his legacy. Poetry that will carefully be written questions that remain unanswered. He is my walden my air.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2016 ⏰

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