Chapter 9

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My friend let me chug half a can of kick start, and it hasn't worn off yet. I feel really giddy.

I escape to my room to get the Skittles for Quinn, shutting the door behind me and leaning against it for support. I sit down on the floor as my legs give out. Did that really just happen?! Oh my Angel, not only did I kiss her but she kissed me! Oh my. That happened. I wonder if she was just messing around. God, I hope not. I take a few breaths and stand up and go into my closet, where the Skittles are on the top shelf. Quinn's kinda short so it's a perfect place to hide them, especially because I can barely reach them. I grab half, so I still have some blackmail on her. I put the box back and walk back into the living room where Quinn is perched on the couch. She looks up when I walk in and gets really excited when she sees I do indeed have the Skittles. She's such a child sometimes. It's so cute. I hand over the Skittles and she pretends to glare at me. "You stole the Sacred Skittles." I roll my eyes, but smile nothing less. "Yes I did. It was for blackmail. And don't even think about trying to take the rest." She raises an eyebrow at me." You have more Skittles?" I sit down next to her on the couch. "Yep, I sure do." She nods, just accepting that she won't get them, and continues to eat her Skittles quietly. I kinda want to ask her about the kiss and what that meant, but I was afraid of the answer. She stood up and walking into the kitchen, then walked back and sat back down, facing me on the couch. I turned to face her as well. She avoided my eyes and kept wringing her hands together. "Um.. About earlier... Uh, I like you a lot, though I've barely known you for a while..." Okay, not as bad as I thought, but fuck yeah! She likes me!! I started blushing horribly, trying to figure out what to say. I'm horrible at these things. I smile at her. "Calm down. I like you too. I have liked you for a while now, though I didn't say anything because I was scared of how you'd react." She got this huge smile on her face, and hugged me. "I'm glade you do." She says, smiling again and kissing my forehead.

  After the whole 'Confession of feelings' moment, we ended up cuddling on the couch and watching a bunch of movies. We stayed like that for a few hours, and I guess I fell asleep, because when I opened my eyes, the sun was rising. "Good morning sleepy head." I hear Quinn say, using the same words and tone of voice as I did just yesterday. "Mhmf." I say incoherently, and snuggling back into a comfortable position, with my head on Quinn's shoulder, leaning against her, and with my arms around her waist, pretty much using her as a pillow. She chucks, and wraps her arms around me as well, resting her cheek on my head. "Azza, love, we need to get up. Max and Jess are coming over later. You need to get up, so we can eat, or at least let me up." I scowled into her shoulder, but moved anyways, so she can get up, and scooted over to where she was sitting and curling up there. Grr. She took my warmth away. She was a comfy pillow too. Mhm, at least I can sleep a little longer..... I think, drifting off again.

Here you go! Another chapter. And cuteness. Much cuteness. I love writing this . Hi Doctor! Hi Sierra!
Over and out~Song

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