chapter 8

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Tim's Prov:

(After Erica left)

I can't believe I kissed her and she kissed me back ugh! I sound like a girl

But I will get Erica even if she has a mate I will maker her mine even if she has a mate I will kill him if even he try's  to mark her after I take her or kill her mate I'm going to mark her and make her mine I don't care

Erica's Prov:

After Gerardo went home and me and Kat were walking home when I heard

"LET GO OF ME YOU FAG" Kat yelled

"Honey you and I both know that you want me and that I want you" this guy said to Kat


the guy that I'm going to call Bob laughed at me like wtf don't underestimate me just cause I'm short

I pulled Bob off of Kat and pushed him Bob stumbled back a little he looked at me shocked that I could push him cause he was big and I'm not talking muscle big I mean fat big

Bob snapped out of his daze and tried to punched me I grabbed his wrist n punched him in the face WOW! I punched him really hard cause I knocked him out

"WOW! I punched him hard any ways are you ok Kat?" I asked concerned

"Damm Erica you knocked him out!" Kat yelled

"Ohh yeah I'm ok" Kat said

"KK let's go home cause I'm sleepy " I whispered

"Why are you whispering wtf why am I whispering" Kat said half whispered and half whispered yelled

"Idk but guess what!" I said excitedly

"What?" Kat asked

"Where home" I yelled

"YAY!" Kat yelled

We walked up to the front door and I took out my key and opened the door and we walked inside Kat took off her shoes and ran to the kitchen to get food while I took off my shoes slowly and walked really slowly to the kitchen and sat on counter and watched Kat make a sandwich omg her sandwich looks yummy.

Hey Kat can you make me a sandwich pleasssseeee" I said with puppy eyes and face

"UGH! fine but don't do that face cause you know I hate it" Kat

"Fine" I said rolling my eyes

After eating our sandwiches we walked to my room we stopped by the game room and grabbed some scary movies when we got to my room Kat walked to my walk-in closet and went to her side of the closet and grabbed a red tank-top and guy short which she stole from Gerardo and yes Kat has her own side of the closet cause she always slept over a lot after she was done changing I went and got a blue tank top and some booty short pajamas they where black with different colors of stars I walked out of my closet as Kat walked out of the bathroom I walked into the bathroom and put my hair into a high ponytail and brushed my teeth after I was done brushing my teeth I ran into my room and jumped onto my bed and Kat fell off with oomph.

"Wtf Erica" Kat yelled oopies I got her mad

"I'm sorry Kat I didn't mean too" I say hugging Kat

"it's okay" Kat says hugging me back

"Okay dude we need to sleep cause it 3 am and we need to wake up at 6 am so we have 3 hours to sleep" I say grumpily

"Ha Ha ok let's go to bed" Kat says giggling

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