Chapter 5

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While waiting for Kat to find me (which by thw way I knew that she couldn't cause Kat knows that I don't climb trees) but it's really funny to watch Kat look for me after ten minutes I got bored and jumped down from the tree and sat on a bench and stared at Kat cause she was being really dumb and looked in side a trash can so I snuck behind her and covered her eyes and in a really creepy guys voice and said

"Looks like someone lost something" I said

"Omg please Don't rape me I'm too young to lose my v-card!!" Kat said 

I couldn't keep in the laugh that I had I bursted out laughing and fell on the ground cause it was just way too funny not to laughter at Kat's face when she said she was way too young to get raped

"WTF!! Erica you fucken scared me shit less I was about to piss my pant why do you have to be a cold bitch when it comes to scaring someone" Kat yelled at me

Finally after five minutes of laughing my ass off I got up and said "Hun it my job to scare people shit less like you said I am a cold hearted bitch when it comes to scaring people"

"Ugh! I hate you know that right" Kat said 

" Aww I feel so love now! And I know " I said while grinned like a dork

"Sooo now what?" Kat said 

"Well now were going to go meet Gerardo at the park and then I could yell at you and him for not telling me you guys are wolfs wait is Gerardo a wolf too?

"Well yeas me and Gerardo are wolfs but we couldn't tell you cause we thought you would tell David that we are rogues and get us killed" Kat said

"Kat you and Gerardo are my best friends why would I snitch on you and him if I did do that I would have done it right when you told me but since you and Gerardo lied to David he might punish me for lieing to him but since I next in for alpha in five more year I could always ask David if I could make my own pack during those five year n when it's time for me to take over the Silver Blood pack my other pack would be part of the Silver Blood pack" I said

"Omfg dude I think you should do that it's a great idea I could be your omega and Gerardo could be your beta" Kat said

And before I could say anything Gerardo came running up to them and said

"Hey Erica what was so important that you need to tell me?"

"Heyy Gerardo my mom making me go to boarding school for delinquents cause my mom think I getting into too much " trouble" I said while putting exclamation marks when I said the word trouble

"What about me and Kat" Gerardo said

"Well Kat coming with me to boarding school tommorrow at 8 am" I said


There was a awkward silence for two minutes before Gerardo said

"I would really miss you guy" and hugged me and Kat

"Wait since Kat coming with me I could ask me mom if you could come too wait let me call her" I said

But before Gerardo could say anything I pulled my phone and called my mom




"Hello" my mom said

"Heyy mom can I ask you something?" I said

"Sure hun" my mom said

"Ughh mom don't call me that and can Gerardo come with me to boarding school please"I said

"sure but" my mom said while adding a dramatic pause omg she said but she goin into her serious mode god i hate when she does that

"Hello Erica are you there still?" my mom said

omfg I need to stop talking to my self while thinking cause I might go crazy

"Sorry mom I kinda zoned out what where you saying?" I said

"It's okay I was saying that Gerardo can go but I need to call his parents but i don't have his parents number" my mom said

"Umm.. okay give me a minute mom" I said

"Okay" my mom said

I put it on mute and was looking for Gerardo and Kat cause they went some where while I was talking to my mom I saw them by the pond and I ran and jumped on Gerardo back and said

"Heyy my mom want your parents digits cause she going to call them to ask if you could go with me and kat to boarding school"

"damm your mom awesome and the digits is 425 610 0584 (*this is not a real number i made it up*)

"M'kay and I know my mom can be awesome sometimes" I said

I unmuted and said "Heyy mom Gerardo parents number is 425 610 0584

"Okay I'll call you to tell you what they said" my mom

"Byee mom" I said

"Bye hun" my mom said

"Omg mom don't call me that" I said

I hung up and I walk were my peeps were and said "Omg I found my loser friends"

They both looked at me and glared playful at me but then I said "That I love so stop glaring at or I find new loser friend that I love"

Gerardo started to laught at me while Kat stood up and took of her shoe and she started to hit Gerardo with it to shut him up it was so funny cause Gerardo sat on the ground shocked and confused until Kat hit where his baby maker is I started to laugh cause I couldn't hold back my laugh.

well i hope you guys enjoy it sorry if it really boring i try and upload on tuesday or wednesday


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