I'm Prohibited by Hanz Moniefiero Medina

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  • Dedicated to Jamey Rodemeyer


 This Book Is Serious Stuff. Not for the Faint hearted as it is all based on true story.

 I'm Creating Awareness through my debut ebook.

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My book is to create awareness for the abused, neglected,bullied and survivors.

Help Create awareness now by downloading and parts of the proceed will go to Friendsofmaitinepla.org, helping survivors of sex-trafficking

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(P.S: Wattpad Users who intends to donate gets 50% off my ebook to complete the read, instead of the $4.99. Private message me and I'll give you the code. God Bless)

A Novel


Hanz Moniefiero Medina

Buy & Support for future donations to the abused & neglected: www.smashwords.com/books/view/91153

Facebook Like Page:  www.facebook.com/pages/Im-Prohibited-by-Hanz-Moniefiero-Medina/104017243034937 

 Spread the word.

For those lives that have been wretched by circumstances,

dying to come out a free soul to the world.

Special Thanks to Guy Vincent

& Honourable Thanks to Johari Kazura and Lizzie You from

Sifr Aromatics perfumery for allowing me a little bit of time from

from work to complete this E-book.

This book is dedicated to two of my beloved friends who have allowed me to write about them in this E-Book and the recent case of Jamey Rodemeyer who committed suicide after Gay Bullying and the many others that fall.

God Bless All You Readers Too.

Buy & Support for future donations to the abused & neglected: www.smashwords.com/books/view/91153

Facebook Like Page:  http://www.facebook.com/pages/Im-Prohibited-by-Hanz-Moniefiero-Medina/104017243034937 

 Spread the word.


  How and where do I even start? I am going to just ramble through on this part. Basically, this book is about coming out of the spectrum of the unknown world of  silence  – more painfully when you have no voice as no one would care or even believe the strings of events that has happened for this individual’s life since he was a kid. A KID. Life is tough, everyone knows that. This book has been re-written countless times for the past five years. Reason being, for me writing this book, pains me to force out to the world of what they should know and how they could and can save their lives and in turn helping others to break free. I’m guilty for not finishing it up sooner. But ultimately, I was scared to even put them into words. Why? You might ask. I do not know either. Too many reasons in fact. You will decipher it through your own sphere of understanding.

The endless of endlessness of reasons.

 If you are a psychologist or a psychiatrist, by all means, study it and please contact me first.

  So why have I decided to just finish this book? Because I realized people need to know. You   need to know for I will not die in peace if I do not put this out to the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2011 ⏰

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