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I sat down next to my fathers sword and lightly lifted it up. I looked for any sign of damage, but the sword was just like it was when my father took it to war..

"Shouldn't it have melted in the fire? And. Why is it here..?" I said to my self and took a deep breath. I looked around to see if there was anyone who could have placed it there.

"It's a very special sword, my dear." I could hear an old female voice say from behind me. I turned to see the same mysterious woman from the dungeon and from the forest. Her long, silver hair blew slowly away from her face as the wind became stronger. She was wearing a long, beautiful dress who made her look a lot younger than she apparently was.

I dropped the sword to the ground, stood up and started walking towards her. "Hey! What do you mean? And who are you..? Are you following me?" I replied and sped up. She started walking backwards against the forest, still looking at me.

"You'll understand." She said and turned around. She ran lightly into the woods and disappeared as if she was a ghost. I stopped and looked around to see if I could spot her, but she was gone. "Not again.." I said to myself and walked back to where my fathers golden sword laid.

I lifted it up and looked at it for a while, until I put it in my belt.

The horse I stole stood calm on the outside of the ruins and ate some of the burnt grass. Its owner was nowhere to be seen.

"I can't really give you back to your owner now, can I?" I smiled and stroke the large horse's neck. "I guess your mine, then. At least until I find my father." I braided its long, gray mane in a cute little sidebraid. Then, I sat up on it and made it run in the direction of the fields the battle took place on.


I made four new chapter last night, that I could publish throughout this week, but I think I accidently deleted it.. :/ So sorry if this chapter is very short, don't have enough time right now to write more :P

But thank you so much for reading, I really appreciate it a lot ❤

xoxo Silje

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