Real Love?

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Sharniece Slowly removed herself From the bed and dangled her arms to her waist. She walked to the mirror and began to notice the odd baby bump appearing on her stomach. She closed her eyes and looked back at Roc's beautiful carmel face. She turned back and began to feel how big her tiny stomach was. She never thought that being w/ Roc would have her in this so called situation. She began to cringe, stress, the endless cramps & vision of what was yet to come. She Held her stomach & fell to her knees. The baby kicked within & she couldn't take it any longer. Her heart rate grew shorter. She was tempted to get up but made no motion . Roc was still asleep & she covered her mouth w/ her hand Trying not to wake Him.

Baby are u alright?! A ghostly sound said, but it was only her Imagination.

Baby? Roc moaned As he made his way from the bed. Ge felt my side & noticed I was gone. He whipped his face & saw me stressed on the floor. I heard loud footsteps coming towards me. A hand pulled me up & I felt my weight on his in the corner. He kissed me & whipped the sweat from my face in an instant.

"I can't do this" I said, Shaking my head. I tried to hold In my tears by thrusting my head back into Roc's shoulder. Roc began To Rub my stomach , Making Me feel much Better. He relaxed me. He then kissed my neck once & looked in my eyes. I moaned slowly , but yet lightly into His ear. Roc began to slowly kiss me again & rubbed even more.

"Baby stop" Sharniece Said.

"Why?" Roc Replied.

"Enough w/ The Stomach, I Miss U Rubbing My G-Spot" She Said, Looking At Roc w/ Certainty.

Roc Looked Deep Into My Eyes & I Knew He Wanted To Do Anything To Please Me & Comfort Me While I Was Pregnant With His Child & I Was Kinda Okay With It. We Must Have Really Loved Each other To Make This Happen. He Spread My Legs Wider.

"Are You Sure You Want Me To?" He Asked.

I Grabbed Him By The Neck & Thrusted my tougne in his mouth, He knew that meant yes. He stared at me & began to bite my lips gently. He then made his way to my clit & patted it once.


Roc Laughed & Rubbed Me Gently.

"Ahhhh Shit....YASSS" I Moaned .

Roc Rubbed Me Harder. Making It Hard For Me To Control My Temptations & Urges. I Licked My Lips & Stopped Roc By Holding His Hand. I Felt Different. A Pain, Something I Had Never Felt Before. He Looked At Me & Knew. I Knew Too, It Was Happening, Right Now.

"Roc, My Water Broke"

After Dark: [TMAD] Roc Royal FANFICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now