A friend.

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You found yourself in a place where there is an elevator to your left, and a huge gate in front of you. With question, you came to the huge gate, looking to where you can place in any key card hole. Sadly, there was none. Instead, you found a number pad. You didn't find any papers with ZIP codes, or anything like that. You groaned, knowing where you have to go now, and have full doubt that SCP-173 isn't waiting for you there, either. Turning to the elevator, you pressed the button, and waited until the door opened. As the door opened, you quickly made your way in. You didn't really need to press any number, because apparently there was nothing there to choose from but a red button. You waited patiently as the elevator took you up. Though the metal screeching was really unneeded.
You heard the elevator ringed, opening you to another dark place. Not surprising. Taking your first few steps out, you instantly noticed there was no hall to your right, though one hall down to your left. You didn't want to question how this place worked, so you walked down to the left. It was awfully more quiet than the other places you went to, as well. It seemed like this room was more smaller, and you could only hear what goes on in there instead of the outer places. Taking another turn, there was more light taking in the area. No statue here, but there was something on the ground...
You quickly moved to the strange figure, as things became more noticeable, it was another dead body. The body didn't look like the other body you seen when you first escaped the cells, instead, it was rather less messy and stitched up. As someone tried fixing this person. Well, whatever they have managed, they have failed to bring the person back to life. You carefully reached down to the pockets, searching for anything useful. With no sign of use, you moved back and left the body where it remained to be. You also noticed the big room next you, it was actually a cell.
Great. So you weren't alone after all. You walked in, the smell of rotten death and medicine filled in your nostrils, and it was not a good experience.
The room was absolutely empty, looking inside the cell itself there was nothing either. It seemed the SCP already left this room, and it's roaming around the facility now. You sighed in relief about the only thing that was there was the bodies, and they didn't look like a threat at all. You looked at the files that were laying on the desk full of buttons and switches. Nothing caught your attention, except a specific file. You picked up the file, and stood in a lighting to read it.

 You picked up the file, and stood in a lighting to read it

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"SCP-049 is heavily lethal by touch?"
How strange.

Though, you have the ring that the other file talked about.

SCP-049-2 is a zombie body?
Oh no.

The sounds of a man is wheezing, gasping for air to remain breathing. You froze up, and turned slowly to the hall outside.
The bodies were suspicious!
You took a step back, and forgot the other zombie in the other room. Bodies lazily stumbling up, and their dead eyes catching your presence. Your heart began to race, and you quickly bolted out the area before they even managed to reach over to you.
Suddenly, your quick getaway was cut off from something blocking your way, causing you to fall back and look up.
Was it the statue? No. It's a tall grey man, standing there. Though he slowly turned to you, hazel eyes bright to see yourself.
It's him!
Your eyes widened, in awe and in fear. The man turned to you fully, and he held up his bloody hands.
"Hello, patient," he cooed, slowly reaching over to your face. You quickly reacted, and scooted away from him. You remember you still had that ring! You quickly grabbed it out your pocket, and slipped it through your finger.
The sudden feeling of weakness and exhaustion blew over you, making you sweat and pant like you just ran the Olympics.
The bird man reached but paused, his eyes directing to your hand with the jade ring.
He moved back, his eyes squinting as if he is a disappointed teacher. "Intelligent, are we?"
You looked up, and then turned to the direction of the zombies walking, and they didn't lose you it seems. You slowly got up, but suddenly the man in grey held his hand out for you to hold onto. "Quickly, before they come to harm you."
You didn't hesitate on grabbing the deadly hand, knowing you now have the jade ring on, and you slowly grabbed onto his arm, having you to get up and start moving. The zombies were hissing, quickly getting closer to every move you and the other made. You couldn't talk from all this sudden tiredness, so you had your mouth shut the whole time as you raced your way through to the other elevator. The man was further away from you, though he paused and turned to you.
"Oh, I forgot the ring has it's cons." He walked up to you, grabbing your hand and pulling you to gain a little boost. You quickly followed the way out and found the elevator. Instead of you, that strange man pressed the button, and he pulled you in the elevator.
The zombies were close to get in, but in time, the door closed.
He huffed, and turned to you.
"That was close." He spoke.
You looked up to him, it felt weird. He's helping you. What does that point out?
He only stood at a corner, examining you and your features. You did the same. His face was hidden behind that weird mask of a raven. It made you question if he's hiding something from you.
It was silence.
"Lovely weather we're having?" The man spoke again, breaking the silence.
"Who are you?" Was the only words that finally choked out of you.
He stood there. Not much to say.
"They consider 049 as my name. But you may just call me Doc."
"That's a nice name."
"Why, thank you. I bet your name is just as unique."
You blinked at the compliment. He doesn't even know your name yet...
Doc crossed his arms, looking down.
"We may have just met, but I can already assume that it's going to be quite a journey between me and you."
You looked up at him, and tensed up. You can already feel like he was right.

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