Chapter 17

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Taylor's pov
27th November 2015

It was half nine and Harry was only after leaving. I hadn't moved from the position I had been in when I hugged him. Of course I was worried, I was worried that he'd cheat on me once again after trying so hard to make me forgive him. I was afraid that he'd get in a fight with Liam and end up with one of them in hospital. I was worried that he'd forget about me. I needed to get out of this house to clear my head, it wasn't healthy for me. I texted Selena and Gemma and we all agreed to head out for the night, Anne will be coming to mind the kids. I dragged myself up the stairs and quickly got ready. I threw on tight crop top with a leather mini skirt and black heels. I straightened my short hair and put on red lipstick along with the rest of my makeup. A few minutes later the doorbell rang. I hurried downstairs and opened the door to reveal Anne and Gemma.

"Thanks so much Anne, I feel horrible for calling you over so late. The spare room is set up if you want to stay the night but you don't have too", I explained as we all entered the living room. We chatted for a few minutes longer before Gemma and I headed to my car. We were meeting Selena at the club.

"Let's get waisted", I screamed as we drove through the town, Gemma laughed loudly. I felt free from all my worries and misguiding thoughts. Even at twenty five all you need is a good night out with the girls. Finally we arrived at the new club in the city, we wanted to check out.

"This looks awesome", I squealed excitedly.

"I know, look Selena's over there", she squealed pointing to the stunning brunette wearing a tight black dress. We wobbled over to Selena who was awkwardly looking at her feet.

"Sel", I said waving my hand in front of her face. She looked up and pulled me into one of the most amazing hugs ever. "What's wrong?" I asked her once we pulled away and I noticed the tears in her eyes.

"You know my ex from a couple of years back, justin?" I nodded my head. "Yeah he was her a few minutes ago and he tried to kiss be but I pushed him away he then angrily forced a kiss on my mouth. I feel so guilty even tough I didn't do anything because I love Niall so much. Should I tell him?" She asked me.

"Hunnie of course you should. Niall trust you and he is an amazing boyfriend who I know will not lose his cool and sleep with someone else did revenge", I said gritting my teeth and Selena gave me a worried look. Gemma awkwardly cleared her throat. "Sorry but I think you get it", I giggled and followed them joining the queue. We entered the club with no problem apart from a few pervs pinching our asses.

I looked around, it was pretty crowded and their was a lot of sweaty bodies pressed against each other. This wasn't the typical thing you'd see 'Taylor Swift' at. I followed the girls over to the bar area where the drinks were being served. We downed a couple of shots and more beers. Soon we were drunk and fooling around on the dance floor.

"Your so sexy", someone breathed into my ear. I turned around to see who it was. I cocked one eyebrow up before speaking.

"Do you even know who I am and who I'm married too? If my husband Harry Styles heard you saying that he'd probably have you drowning in the sea right now", I scolded placing my hand on his chest to push him back but instead I just left it there forgetting myself.

"Yeah I know him, he doesn't scare me but what I don't understand is how he cheated on you. Your so hot", he said looking me up and down. I felt my cheeks go red in embarrassment of feeling so exposed right now. "Oh I'm Zayn by the way", he announced bringing his head closer to mine. I didn't step away, I let him place his lips on mine. Soon that kiss turned into a full on kiss and I wasn't making any attempt to stop until I heard him, Harry.

"What the fuck?" He shouted and I quickly pulled away. He glanced at me disgustedly before punching Zayn in the jaw causing him to topple over.

"Hawy, I was kissing him", I giggled in my drunken state.

"Do you not think I seen that?" He growled and I hit his chest agitatedly. He shot me a stern look before going back to beating up Zayn.

"Harry, quit man", I heard Louis shout and he and Niall pulled him away from Zayn. I hobbled over to the bruised man lying on the ground.

"Zayn are you ok?" I stuttered drunkly as I lay beside him on the floor until someone picked me up bridle style. "Niall your so strong", I giggled when I seen who it was.

"And your going home", he announced as he carried me out of the club.

"No it's only getting fun", I pouted as he walked over to the black SUV where he placed me beside Harry in the back. Our driver was in the front Niall must have called him. He pulled my seatbelt on before heading back in. "Hazza", I squealed. "Look at us being sent home. Naughty us", I stated giggling again.

"Do you think this is funny, me catching you making out with him out of everyone", he spat oops forgot Harry was an angry drunk.

"He was hot", I slurred. "He looked so fûcking sexy, I couldn't resist". He gripped my arm angrily. "Harry", I warned and he let go.

"Yeah whatever just know that's the last time I'm letting you go to the club without me. And fucking makeout with other guys. Yes Liam came tonight and told me what actually happened then I bet him up and guess what I nearly put him in hospital", he screamed at me.

"Your so cute", I cooed and he just shook his head.


A/N hi my awesome readers. Hope you enjoyed this. Haha I wonder will Taylor still be calling this cute in the morning. Please vote and comment xo love ya x

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