Chapter 2

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3rd person

Dipper woke up in a forest, he was in a middle of a clearing, the forest was quiet. Too quiet. The usual chirping of birds, rustling of bushes were not heard, so was the calming breeze the forest usually have was not there, everything was still and tense.

Then he realized that everything was in gray scale. As he noticed that, his heart beat faster, and he looked around for any sign of the demon. And strange enough, he was nowhere to be found.

He started walking around the forest, for some reason it was inviting and welcoming, yet creepy at the same time. Questions startied flooding his head.

Where am I?
Why am I here?
Why is everything in gray scale?
How did I get here?
If everything is black and white, then where is Bill Cipher?

The last question brought a chill through his spine as he felt a prescence around him. Dipper felt that he wasn't alone, that there is someone else in this forest. Then he heard soft humming. It was humming an unnerving tune, he felt as if he is inside a horror movie.

Hesitantly, he followed the humming sound. It got louder as he neared, then what he saw next made him regret following the hum. Right in front of him, hovering above the ground by a few inches was Bill Cipher.

He noticed that a tree behind the demon is covered in chains, and thorns.

Bill was the first to speak up. "Hiya kid!"

"W-what d-do you want from me! W-where am I?!" Dipper said through fear and hatred towards the demon.

"Sheesh. Kid. Calm down" Bill rolled his eye. "Welcome to the mindscape!"

"I remember you saying those exact words when you tricked me before" he spat.

Bill sighed and, once again, rolled his eye. "Wow. Kid. Are you that slow? We made a deal that I'll let you know a person who knows the password to that computer in exchange for a puppet-"

"-but you didn't do your part of the deal and tricked me!" He growled.

"Did I? Think about it, kid. When I destroyed the laptop you found out the owner of the laptop, and so in a way, I filled the end of my deal"

Dipper thought about this for a moment, and his face paled as he realized just what Bill had said.

"Anyway, before you rudely interrupted me, this mindscape isn't just any kind of mindscape, it's yours kid! And I gotta say it's interesting." Bill said.

'So is each tree a memory?'

Bill heard his thoughts. "Not just memories, kid"

"W-what is that?" Dipper hesitated then gestured to the tree behind the demon.

"I'm glad you asked, kid" Bill chimed.

Thanks everyone for 100 + views. (Never thought for this to happen.)
I completely apologize for not updating sooner and for a short chapter. I wasn't able to update because of school, writer's block, and something else (it's personal don't ask)
I'm writing in 3rd person from now on since it's easier for me, tho maybe i'll write in first person sometimes. *shrugs*

I watched the gravity falls finale, and I nearly cried... I might make a story about that Bill cipher statue, might.

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