Chapter 9

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Ch 9

I lay here not wanting to move I don't want to go to school I don't want to face josh.i don't know what is going to happen and it scares me. I hear shelly yelling for me I unwillingly get up and get dressed I walk down stairs and see shelly cooking I smell them before I see them. Shes making blueberry pancakes and bacon maybe today wont be so bad. She sets a plate in front of me and i start stuffing my face.

"I'm glad you like them"

we both laugh as i swallow the huge big i have in my mouth

"they are my favorite haha"

i finish eating and tell shelly bye while running out the door. connor as always is waiting i get in the car and set my bag on the floor as he puts the car in drive.

"so have you talked to josh yet" he says while stopping

"ya he came over for a few minutes"

"ya he came by my house too but sam was there so he left"

I raise an eye "sam was at your house"

"ya whats wrong with that"

"oh nothing"


"yes connor"

sigh "never mind haha"

we arrive at school in a slightly awkward silence. i start walking toward the group but freeze when i see josh. i take a deep breath and resume walking i can do this. As me and connor join the group i notice sam and connor a little closer than normal. i stand by nick and sam trying to ignore how awkward i felt. connor notices something up and gives me a questioning look and i shrug my shoulders as if to say nothing. The conversation turns into a steady lul and i stand there feeling like im in a bubble. school goes by with me in that same bubble and it doesn't break until i get home and see chase on my porch i run and kiss him

"what are you doing here babe"

"im skipping school tomorrow and your skipping with me"


"because i already miss you and want to spend a whole day with you to myself"

i smile and hug him close "ok"

i look in his eyes and melt they are the most amazing color and i get a little turned on by them they were sexy as hell and i realized i wanted him. i look up and kiss him with a passion and let him know exactly what i want from him i get him turned on and then break away giggle then run in the house him chasing after me. of course he was faster than me so he caught me and threw me over his shoulder carrying me up to my room. he throws me on the bed and i pull him on top of me he starts kissing my neck I let out a moan i can feel him hard against me I roll over so im on top of him and take control

Chase spends the night and the next morning I was woken by a kiss from him.

"get ready love its going to be a busy day"

I roll over "mmm I dont wanna wake up"

"come on babe its 9 iv already let you sleep in"

I dont move so he starts kissing my neck.

"mmm not fair"

He laughs a little but keeps doing it

"ok ok I'm getting up"

he picks me up and carries me to the bath room

"you gonna get naked or do I have to do it for you"

I laugh "do it for me"

"your wish my command"

We take our shower together and he sets me on my bed and picks out cloths for me.

"i can get used to this"

He smiles "me too"

"so whet are we going"

"its a secret"


"not gonna work"


"your so cute when your mad"

"am not"

He throws cloths at me "get dressed so we can go"

I get dressed and we leave as we drive we are going farther and farther from the city.

"put this on" chase says handing me a blind fold


"so I can surprise my beautiful girl"


I put in on and wait for what seems like 15 min before I feel the car stop.

"keep that on ill be back in a min to get you." I hear him open the door and he lifts me up out of the seat and sets me on what feels like a blanket he then takes it off to reveal a beautiful view and I look down to see im on a blanket with a picnic basket next to me. He sits next to me and wraps his arms around me

"so what do you think"

"its perfect you are so sweet"

he kisses me "i try"

he opens the basket and takes out my favorite lunch foods including strawberries. we eat and laugh our butts off at each other. After that we go for a walk well...more like he walks and I'm on his back.

"so where are we going"

"you will see"

"come on Chase pweeees tell me"


"then ill get off your back"

he laughs "go ahead and try"

i try to jump off of him but he holds on tighter i attempt to loosen his grip by kissing and biting his neck but it doesn't work i give up and mumble "jerk" as he laughs at me

"your just so cute Jenny"


"yes you are"

"hmp fine"

i act mad but im secretly smiling. Finally he stops and i look around and see a field of tons of wild flowers with one lone try toward the middle

"its so pretty"

"just like you"

i laugh "your so cheesy sometimes"

he fakes a sad/hurt face

i smile and hug him close "but i love it"

we lay under the tree cuddled up and talking. It reminds me of the 1st days of our relationship when we would do nothing but talk for hours. It feels so amazing to just lay in his arms.



"you mean the world to me"

I cuddle closer "hold me forever"

"I wont let go "



Sorry it has been a while since iv uploaded iv been busy and very tired. I know some of you wonder why she would choose Chase if he treated her like that so here is a chapter that shows his sweet side i hope you guys enjoyed it. next chapter will be from either Connor or Sams POV and it will be about them. COMMENT and VOTE

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