Day 5:False Alarm

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(A bit Dramatic, but no.. Its full of Random emotions xD)

The next day...

"WAKE UP PIGGY!YOU UGLY PIGGY! WAKE UP PIGGY PIGGY!!"I opened my right eye and frowned.

Who on earth did that stupid ringtone?! Why is it calling me a pig!!!!

I then glared at Gizmo as i stood up and shouted,"GIIIIZMMMMOOOOOOOO!!!!!!"

Then Gizmo jumped awake as he heard my thundering voice,"wh,what is it Joy?!"

I then raised an eyebrow and walk to him closely,"Joy? Are you okay?! And why is the alarm clock saying im a pig?!"

Gizmo then smiled,"cuz you're really a pig?"

I then glared at him and punch him, letting a force shutdown at his machines.

Then my phone suddenly rang, singing:"Twinkle twinkle little stars"


Gizmo must have tampered my gadgets... What kind of hand does he have?!

"A metallic hand?"Superbook then replied,making me frown

Then i hear his chuckle,"oh im just joking. But aren't you gonna answer the phone call?"

I rolled my eyes and took the phone,"hello, who is this? This is handsome Chris talking..."

"BRO! There is a Kidnapper at mah house!!"Mitch shouted

"A KIDNAPPER?! I,Im on it!!"i then stopped when Mitch continued what he is saying,

"her name is Mariiiiii!!!"my eyes was wide opened as i heard the name Mari...

I then sat down at my bed and then replied:"Can i talk to her? I know that girl.. I mean we both know her right?"

Mitch then gave his phone to Mari, creating a really crazy sound.

I feel like Mari is drooling over somebody... Who? Mitch? Is he obssess over Mitch? Nah.. Who would ever fall in love with a freak like him?!

"Hello. Chris.. Haha.. Uhmm.. Ah.. I actually fell from a tree.. And and fall at his window haha. Now im drooling over a pizza."She replied with a playful tone in her voice

I sighed and then replied,"can you be a bait?"

I can sense a sound of disaggreement at her gasp,"What?! You want me to get bitten by fishes?! No way!"

I rolled my eyes and growled,"nevermind.. Lets talk about this later..."

I hung up and forget about Mitch's problems with Mari.

I chuckled and accidentally smash my phone at the wall...

"... I better take a bath now.."and as usual, i walk to te bathroom,take my towel, and then take off my clothes and then.. Lala.. Back to the not scented soaps..

Then my other phone rang, which i left that phone at the bathroom for emergencies like...getting lock in... The shower ain't workin' and.. That.. Haha!

I then answered my water proof phone,"yo,Quantum at the bathroom who is it?"

"It's Joy...Principal Travis and Dean Sebastian are asking you to go to the office.."Joy said with a bored tone.

My eyes widened again.. Making the soap blind me to death!!!

"A,OUCHH!! Wahhh!!WATER!! A,Ah.. the dean?! What is Dean Sebastian doing there?! Shouldn't he be at College?! AHHH OUCHH!!"i rubbed my eyes and then finished off

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