f o u r

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*Kayley's POV*

I went home that night and didn't talk to anyone. I ran up to my room making sure to slam the door and aggressively lock it. I collapsed onto my bed stomach first and covered my head with my arms. I was trying not to cry and be a baby, but that plan wasn't working for me. I started crying heavier than before, and I could feel the mascara dripping down my face. I slowly dragged myself into the bathroom and looked at myself, disgusted. I grabbed a makeup wipe and rubbed all the residue off of my face. I took everything out of my hair and put it into a bun, not caring how it looked. I studied myself for a few minutes. What is so horrible about me that Grayson would say that and buddy up with those dick faces. Especially after what he said to me.

    I went back to my room and dived into my bed. I crawled under the covers and put on my tv. I put on Just Jillian and tried to drain out my problems. It was a Friday, amen, so I didn't have to worry about my social issues for three days. After a while, my night of loneliness didn't seem quite complete so I decided to run out to get some ice cream. or, a lot of it. I left just how I was, no makeup, hair up, sweats on, normally I would drop dead before I stepped foot out of my house like this but, I don't see how this day could get much worse. I grabbed my phone and my keys and jogged out to my car. It was dark anyways so I don't think anyone could really see me. I drove to my grocery store listening to All For Love by Madison Beer which was a bad idea cause I started crying again. After I semi-collected myself, I pulled in to the parking lot and took a deep breath before getting out of my car.

"God Kayley get your shit together." I said to myself as I walked inside.

I strolled in thankful to not see anyone I know. I made my way to the back where the freezers were and found the holy grail of Ice cream. I was picking out what I wanted when I heard someone say something,


I quickly looked to my left to see, of course, Grayson standing next to me.

I opened my mouth to say something, but shut it in frustration. I started quickly walking away but he tapped me on the shoulder.

"Grayson just leave me alone." I said in a voice probably too loud for a public setting.

"You uh, you dropped your wallet." He said holding it out to me.

"Oh... I-I'm sorry." I awkwardly said taking it from his hand.

"It's okay." He said scratching his neck. 

"Well thanks." I said, once again awkwardly, and turned to leave.


"What Grayson?"

"Can we talk... Please?" He asked looking worried.

"Grayson... Look, I get it. You realized how much of an outcast I really am. I wouldn't want to ruin your rep being a new kid. Just forget we ever talked, K?" My voice cracked and I could feel the tears filling the rims of my eyes.

"Kay..." He said slowly walking towards me, and placing his hand on my cheek.

I put my hand onto it and looked down. I looked around and then back to him, almost crying. 

"I  um, I really need to get home now." I slipped out of his hand faking a smile, walking away wiping the tears from my puffy eyes. I sat in my car and slammed my fist into the steering wheel. I leaned onto it and broke down. I stayed down like that for a few minutes, and when I looked up there was a piece of paper attached to my window. I sniffled and wiped my eyes confused. I rolled it down and reached over to grab it. There was writing on it.

                   I'm an idiot, let me explain. I want to talk to you.

I breathed out hard and held the paper to my chest. I let out my breath and set the paper down on the passenger seat. I began driving home, and so many thoughts were rushing in and out of my head. I finally got home and took my ice cream into my room, putting on the notebook. Yeah, that's a great idea Kay. Put on the most depressing movie you can think of, that'll really help you.

I popped open the lid and began eating, I was about a half an hour into the movie when I felt my phone vibrate. I picked it up and saw Grayson's name appear across my screen. I hesitantly swiped and pulled up our conversation.

Grayson: Please think about what i've said Kay. I'm going crazy with us being like this, I need to talk to you. Please think about it, xo.

I bit my lip trying to decide if I should respond or not. I decided against it and hesitantly put it down on my nightstand, even though I didn't want to. 

I dug even harder into my ice cream taking out my aggression both physically and through food. After the movie had ended and I had cried out all of the water in my body, I threw out my now empty ice cream carton, and got back into bed. I stupidly went back and read Gray and I's conversations. It had only been a few days. But they were the best days i've had in high school in my three years.

Maybe I should listen to what he has to say.

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