Chapter Two; Courtney

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Have you ever had your best friend just pretty much abandon you for some chick who's cheated on him half a dozen times? I'll tell you it doesn't feel that great. We'd been friends for ages but the second Rachel didn't like the way I was talking to him he suddenly stopped talking to me, like her opinion of me had ever mattered before, why should it matter now after she'd cheated on him and he'd cheated on her? Of course it was because they were trying to fix their broken relationship but let me tell you there's no way they're every going to be the same.

Immediately after the fight I'd had with the two of them I felt bad, I felt horrible about all the things I'd said. Of course Brittany told me I shouldn't but she really didn't have the room to talk about feeling guilty and not feeling guilty, she was after all the one who constantly called me an idiot every time I asked a simple question.

When I got to school the morning after the argument Brittany looked at me sympathetically and mumbled something about 'Benjamin' before she stalked off to go get her breakfast, which at this point was pretty much pointless because she gave most of it to Aryn and she and I both know she wasn't the one who usually ate it.

At points I feel guilty about not being a better friend to Aryn, she'd always been there for me when I needed it, and yet I was of no use to her now when she really needed someone, of course even if I tried to help I'd probably just end up making her feel worse as I really had no experience with what she was going through. I still can't believe her and Adam broke up, they just seemed to work so well together.

After Brittany left to go get her breakfast I wandered around until I found Tony hanging out in the main hallway, I talked to her for a couple minutes as we walked back to my locker to get the book I'd forgotten. When we got there Brittany was waiting at her locker holding a purple stuffed turtle, Benjamin. She handed him to me and promptly told me if I did anything to harm her precious turtle she'd brutally murder me. I grabbed my books and after a brief conversation with Brittany, Tony, Aryn and Briana I went to homeroom where I patiently waited for the bell to ring so I could go to my next class.

As soon as the bell rang I was out of the room. It only took me a couple minutes to get to class, but when I got there I almost wished I'd walked slower because the dread of seeing him and knowing he wouldn't turn around when I sat down to tell me some sarcastic quip about how he'd gotten there first. I hesitated at the door before I slowly walked in. To my surprise Brittany was already there, and he was sitting right where he always sat, almost tempting me to just tap him on the shoulder so he could tell me it had all been a joke and he really wasn't dropping me as a friend just because his girlfriend wanted him to. But I knew that wasn't the case so I just took my seat and made myself busy talking to Brittany.

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