The Lost Cat (age 6, I think?)

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NOTE: Oh, boy. From that crappy illustration ALONE, I can tell this is gonna be fun. Keep in mind, I wrote this when I was super young, and as a result, it's super bad. Let us proceed with the crap.

Once upon a time there was a fairy world on the island of Nataliani. It was called Ania. Ania was ruled by a queen named Kania. (Ania's queen is named Kania. How ironic.) Kania was the only fairy that can attach a basket to her head. (She can attach a basket to her head. Big whoop.) But she Didn't (Again, capitalization in the wrong places) look much likea queen. She was in bare feet, but she wore lots of jewelry.

One day a pixie named Emelie. (What did Emelie do? This sentence is suffering from a bad case of no predicate.) She said "Help I need to find, my cat!" She was surprised by Emeleie's (Jeez, is it Emelie or Emeleie?) appearance. Emeleie's boyfriend, Nicholas, weas very handsome. He had thick blonde hair and watery blue eyes, and he was standing next to Emeleie. (So he just phased near her? How did he get there?) Her sister, Annabelle, had blonde hair and blue eyes, too. She was wearing a pink dress and pink shoes. (So she's pretty much Princess Peach? Oh goodness...)

"So what kind of cat do yo have!" (Not only did I misspell a word as simple as "you", but I used the wrong punctuation.) asked Kania. "Well," said Emeleie, "it's a calico cat. I call her C–C. (What kind of a name is C-C?) She is really beautiful. I love her." Emeleie said that if a cat is lost, the fire station will bring her back. (Why is there a fire station in a fairy kingdom?) Really, the calico was afraid of heights. Emeleie knew it. Emeleie was very exited with Annabelle.

The queen's many maids will look for her. (So if the fire station is bringing the cat back, why are the queen's maids looking for her?) She found out that she had to save CC. She loved her She wanted her She missed her. (There should be periods there.) They went out into the yard. Suddenly... "Meow."

She looked out. "CC!" She said. CC was standing (CC is a cat! How does a cat stand? It doesn't stand on 2 legs.) on the bench. From then on, Emeleie never lost CC because they bougt a kitten carrier. (Also, how are there kitten carriers in this fairy world?) And they lived happily ever after.

The End (thank goodness....)

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