Chapter 1

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Hey guys! I hope you guys like it I've tried so hard to write this! Staying up till like 1 o'clock in the morning on school nights isn't really good for me but oh well! And do I have any Teen Wolf fangurls like me out there?! I can't wait till 3B plays I'm so excited!


Aliyah's POV

My vision is blurred by the tears that fill my eyes. I'm in the middle of the woods running, jumping, and stumbling over tree roots that are camouflaged by the dead leaves that litter the forest floor. How did I get out here?!? I am in so much pain, as my tears stream down my cheeks, before they fall from my face some would turn a blood red color due to the claw marks that stretch across my right cheek.

"What the hell!"

While I'm to focused on trying to escape what ever had attacked me I don't notice that both my shoe laces are untied. As the clumsy klutz I am usually known for being, I trip and fall to the ground with a large THUD! I quickly gather myself and turn to the way I came running from, what I see makes my veins run cold. Two red glowing eyes staring at me with a predator like look. I want to scream but can't. The beast grabs me by my legs and starts to pull me towards its mouth and then everything goes dark.

I can hear what sounds like a distant voice calling my name and then it starts to become louder. Aliyah, Aliyah, ALIYAH!!!

I almost jump out of my seat in the car. Oh, it was just a nightmare.

My mom is the one who had been calling my name and pissing me off by the second. We don't really have the mother daughter lovey dovey relationship other families have.

"What the hell do you want?!" I ask.

"Watch your tone with me you little bitch, and I said we're a few minutes away." My so called mom sneers as we speed down the highway.

I roll my eyes at here comment. It still seems to amaze me how she even got custody of me. That's her favorite word to call me other than a whore or a slut. I place my head phones in and start listening to my playlist. The first song that plays is one of my favorite songs. Nitesky.

No one knows,

What it's like,

You and me,

You and I,

Follow me,

The night sky,

You and me,

You and I

I sit there listening to my music until we pull into the drive way of our new 'home'.

In the back of the house was forest and I'm thrilled to explore what is in there.

This house looks great, though I'm not going to say that to my mother.

I make a dramatic effort of exiting the car by slamming the door hard, which my mom hates!


I hate when my mom calls me by my full name, yet she says that like everyday to me.

I grab a few boxes I need for now and the rest I will unpack tomorrow.

Walking up the staircase and to my room which already has my bed,dresser, and tv in it.

The tv is of no use really, I don't really watch tv that much anymore since the divorce. There's to many romantic shit on cable and it upsets me.

After I unpack the boxes I had brought in I decide I'm not going to stay in here any longer than I have to.

I grab my cell phone and decide to go into town to look around since I'm already dressed and by the front door. I don't bother telling my mom since I know she could care less.

I walk out the front door and start walking towards town while listening to my music.


"Hello, welcome to Beacon Hills cafe what can I get you?" a nice women asks me as I walk in.

"A caramel frappe please."

After she gives me my drink I walk and sit in a booth towards the back. I notice that everyone is looking my way but not at me, someone.....behind me? But they aren't curious or nice looks they look mean and some are even glaring. I turn around and to see a man reading the paper looking irritated. I couldn't get a good look at his face since the paper is covering it but even I'm getting annoyed. Okay I can't take it anymore.

"Take a picture it'll last longer!" I yell standing up out of my seat.

Some look shocked while others start to glare at me as well.

"And you can shove those glares up your ass while your at it."

They all gasped at my rude remark. I can hear the guy they were staring at chuckling. A small smile formed on my lips as I left.

Damn I should have looked at him!

I walk back home smiling, but right as I get to the front of the house my smile is gone in a second. Rick's car is parked outside. My body starts to shake uncontrollably, I have to get a hold of myself.

I stop shaking and unlock the front door, walking inside finding a sight that makes me want to throw up everything I ate today. My mom and Rick making out on the kitchen counter. When Rick notices me he stops kissing my mom and looks at me with lust clear in his eyes.

"Want to join us?" he questions raising an eyebrow.

"No. Let me reword that actually, hell no." I say giving him a disgusting look.

"It wasn't really an option." he says as he stalks towards me.

I know what would happen if he gets to me. I bolt for the stairs and run until I get into my room and lock the door. I'm breathing hard and crying furiously as he bangs on the door. My mom is such a bitch, she doesn't even try to stop him.

I finally get up and take a much needed shower. I get ready for bed and the last thing I think of before I drift off is, life is such a bitch.


(Sorry for the short chapter I swear they get longer! Love you guys!)




He's not bad just, misunderstood (Teen Wolf/ Derek Hale fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now