Chapter 3 : Harry I'm Pregnant

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~Morgan's POV~

Two months later

It's been two months and I'm actually pregnant I havn't told anyone  not even my friends. This is getting crazy I'm calling Katie.

(bring bring bring)


"morgan what's up"

"Catie I need to tell you something important I havn't told anyone this not even Harry"

"ok what is it"

"I'm pregnant"

"wait really?"


"oh my god  morgan I'm so happy for you"


"Well I gotta go, bye"


I decided to text bridgette instead of calling her.

From Morgan:

hey bridgette I wanted to tell you I'm pregnet the only other person who knows is Katie, promise you won't tell Harry yet I want to do that in person

From Bridgette:

of course I won't tell harry and good for you

From Morgan:

thanks so much gotta go ttyl

-Two days later-

I woke up today looking fatter I think I'll tell the boys before Harry 

ok well let's do this now.

I walked into the flat everyone stays in but harry and I.

I said "I gotta tell you guys something" and when I went into the kitchen 

Liam said "your pregnet " I said" how did you know" he said "your belly is bigger" "true" , "how did Harry not notice?" "he's still sleeping "oh."

I don't think I can tell him

"you'll tell him just give it some time" Katie smiles.

"ok" I nod.

I have to do it now I'm gonna tell him It's been 2 days since Katie told me to give it some time

so I threw on a tanktop and soffe's and ran downstairs and yelled

"harry harry harry" over and over again he didn't answer so I went into his room and he was still asleep so I went downstairs and watched a movie when harry got up I made breakfast and watched the rest of my movie I fell asleep cuddled up to harry and  forgot to tell him .....................

when I woke up he was still behind me watching wreck it ralph  instead of the smurfs so I got up and he said "your awake"

I said "yea I need to tell you something"

"what is it"

"I'm pregnant"

"wow you are"

"yes I am "

"well can we call her Darcyy"

all of the sudden he passed out and I thought I ruined everything.

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