Hazeflight's anger

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A black she cat with blue eyes moved through the dense pine forest. Nothing stirred but a mouse eating a nut about ten taillengths away. The she cat crouched down low and stalked forward, careful not to let her tail drag in the foliage. The she cat lowered her self further down till her underbelly nearly rested on the ground. She waited, her eyes locked on her prey. She licked her chops them pushed off the ground with her back legs. The mouse stood up quick and tried to run, but the she cat was to fast for it. She pinned it down and killed it with one blow to the neck.
"Great catch Hazeflight." Said a long haired gray tabby tom with Amber eyes. He rubbed against her.
"Thank you Thorntail." She purred and licked his cheek. They both purred. Hazeflight grinned at him.
"So how much did my big warrior catch today?" She chuckled, nuzzling him. Thorntail smirked.
"The prey is practically jumping into my paws. I caught three mice, two thrush, and a rabbit thank you very much." Hazeflight smirked.
"Oh what a shame. Seems my big warrior isn't as skilled a hunter as I thought. I caught two rabbits by thunderclan border, three thrush and now five mice." Thorntail frowned.
"Why'd you always have to be better at everything, my love?" Hazeflight licked his cheek.
"Because I trained harder than you." She purred before jumping away. Thorntail smirked.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"I wanna race. First one back to camp with all their prey in tact wins." She challenged. Thorntail grinned.
"Challenge accepted. We'll start at the old fir tree." He said and darted off to gather his prey. Hazeflight did the same and darted towards the old fir tree.

"What happened to all the prey!" Cried a calico warrior as she saw the fresh kill pile. Hazeflight frowned as her stomach growled. It had been a week since she had raced Thorntail back to camp with a whole lot of prey but now there was none. It had all just vanished.
"I bet Thunderclan is behind this!" A grey warrior muttered.
"Windclan has stolen prey before!" Cried a brown and white warrior.
"Dovewhisker, Sagethorn, And Fallentree the other clans have stolen no prey from this forest!" The white leader called. Cloudstar glared down at them. His thin white coat gleaming in the sunlight though his ribs were clearly visible. Hazeflight looked at him.
"Then what, Cloudstar! We are starving!" She growled. Cloudstar narrowed his eyes at her.
"Hazeflight I would shut up if I were you." Hazeflight snorted but remained quiet. Thorntail made his way over to her and nuzzled her cheek.
"Don't worry, Hazeflight. All will be well, in time." Hazeflight glared at him.
"There has been no prey for a week, Thorntail! I don't think this is getting any better." She snarled. Thorntail pulled away his eyes showing how much that had hurt him. Hazeflight hated when she was angry but couldn't help it. She went to her nest and decided to try and sleep.

Hazeflight couldn't seem to sleep. She rolled onto her side, looked up at the top of the den, and even tried to force herself to sleep. Nothing worked. She stood up and shook out her fur then headed for the camp exit. She sniffed the breeze and was surprised to smell Acornwhisker's scent in the breeze. Acornwhisker was the medicine cat, shouldn't he be in camp right now? She followed the scent till she reached a clearing, where she stopped in some bushes and peeked out.
A light brown tom and a golden tabby she cat were talking to each other and laughing. She watched carefully. The golden tabby she cat was Goldenstorm, one of her best friends. Hazeflight growled lightly but they didn't hear. Goldenstorm nuzzled Acornwhisker and licked his nose. Acornwhisker grinned.
"I love you too." He said loud enough for Hazeflight to hear. Hazeflight stepped back in surprise.
No! This is wrong! Acornwhisker shouldn't even be here, let alone with Goldenstorm! She thought in her head. They couldn't be mate!
No! I can't let this continue its against the warrior code! She growled and anger gripped her heart. She leaped out of the bushes with a snarl. Acornwhisker jumped back, his brown fur fluffed up. Goldenstorm immediately got into her battle crouch. She looked at Hazeflight with surprise then guilt. Hazeflight glared at them.
"What are you doing!" She growled. Goldenstorm flinched back.
"Please, Hazeflight don't do this. Please." She begged. Hazeflight growled.
"You know this is wrong. You know this is against everything we stand for!" She glared at the both of them. Acornwhisker stepped in front of Goldenstorm and growled
"Harm her and I'll kill you, clan mate or not." Hazeflight looked at him.
"Your a medicine cat! You of all cats should know why this is wrong!" She yowled. Acornwhisker lowered his head.
"You are right but sometimes love is more than what a dumb rule stands for, Hazeflight. You love Thorntail is this no different!" Hazeflight backed away.
"Don't tell me that." She muttered before shaking her head and stalking away. Goldenstorm starred after her sadly but Acornwhisker didn't show any emotion at her departure.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2016 ⏰

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Warriors short story: Hazeflight's angerWhere stories live. Discover now