Instead of getting off of me, he forced my arms over my head with one hand, and started tickling my exposed belly with the other. I squealed in surprise, wiggling underneath him as his fingers danced across my skin. I tried freeing my hands to try and block him, but he just pushed me down harder the more I tried to struggle. Every time I tried to squirm away from his hand, he would just move it so that he was tickling me from the opposite side, and the longer I put off defeat, the harder he dug his fingers into my skin. I was laughing so hard I could barely suck in enough air to form my words of surrender.

"Alright, alright, ALRIGHT! You win! I love you!"  

He let go of my arms and lifted his hand away from my belly. I was gasping, and I just wanted him to crawl off me. He got up on all fours, his arms and legs forming a cage around my body. He hesitated and just looked down at my face. The kindness in his eyes stopped my heart; he was looking at me with love. I got up on my elbows so that we were face to face.

"I love you, too, baby."

My eyes were locked on his mouth. Those smooth, full lips... I leaned closer reaching to taste those delicious lips with mine--

"Well, what do we have here?"

"EEP!! B-Bastian! H-H-How long have you been here!?!"

"Long enough, little one. Alexander try not to corrupt our innocent little Iris without me, 'kay?"

"W-WHAT?! B-B-But...!"

Alexander laughed, and finally got off of me, leaving me laying there on the floor to rejoin Sebastian in the kitchen. My legs were shaky as I attempted to stand up. Jeez! What did he do me? I smoothed down my shirt, and fixed my hair, taking a few deep breaths before attempting to enter the kitchen where my attacker and his bystander brother were waiting for me.

Sebastian was at his usual spot by the stove making French toast, while Alexander was raiding the fridge for something to drink. Sheepishly, I slipped in next to Sebastian, making sure to keep him in between Alexander and I. He chuckled at my reaction and ruffled my still-wet hair.

"Don't worry, little one. Alex will behave himself, now."

Alexander turned to look at me, and gave me a wolfish grin that made my knees balk slightly. I grabbed onto Sebastian for balance, causing both of them to laugh at my reaction. I blushed and hid my face in Sebastian's shirt. I calmed myself down by focusing on his scent: sea air and cucumbers. He really did smell delicious enough to eat. Which reminded me...

"I'm hungry. Will breakfast be ready soon?"

Sebastian nodded, and gently pushed me towards the kitchen cabinets. I took my cue to set the table, and grabbed three plates, cups, forks, knives, and went to the dining room table to place them in their respective places. Alexander came out with me to set a pitcher of orange juice, and a jug of milk on the table alongside me. I looked over at him nervously, but he seemed to have calmed down enough to at least act civil. He smiled at me at pecked me on the cheek, then he walked back to the kitchen. I smiled, and covered the spot where his lips touched me with my hand, wishing I could tattoo his kiss on my cheek so it could stay there forever.

We ate breakfast in peace. I mostly stared out the window the whole time. The water looked so calm, and the waves were just shuffling one after the other onto the shore. The sky was cloudy from last night's storm, but the sun still broke through. Sebastian had been right about the heat: it did cool off a lot.

I was disturbed from my daydreaming by someone poking me in the side. I yelped startled, and turned to see Alexander narrowing his eyes at me.

"What was that for?"

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