Chapter 2

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It's been three days since we've brought Iris home to live with us. He's slowly starting to relax, and he's laughing more every day. After everything he's gone through, and is still going through, I can't help but be proud of him for being so brave; I know he's really trying hard to be happy.

We've been staying at home all week, trying to get Iris used to his new surroundings. Also, he just loves the ocean. He's never been out of the city before, so being able to watch him play in the water and relax in the sand has really made me happy. Alexander and I have to keep a sharp eye on him when he's swimming, though. Iris is just so small, we're worried that the currents will catch him and he'll be swept away by the water. So far, that hasn't happened, but you can never be too careful.

I think he likes the fact that we watch over him so much. I can't be sure of course, but he definitely relaxes more when he's outside and Alexander and I are nearby. The one thing Iris still hasn't gotten used to is the heat. Our second day here, Alexander suggested that we all go swimming, and Iris looked really excited! He ran upstairs to his room and came back down wearing a t-shirt and blue swimming trunks (courtesy of Fabian, since Iris never had any need for swim trunks back in the city. Fabian also provided Iris with a brand new wardrobe complete with clothes that he would actually wear! I really have to hand it to Fabian, he really came through for us this time.) After making sure to put on plenty of sunscreen, we walked out back onto the sandy beach that was our backyard.

Iris was content to wade in the waves, but Alexander was looking for something more challenging. He suggested we all have a race: first one to make it to the Frisbee wins (we had one of those Frisbees that has Styrofoam all around it so that it floats on top of water). Iris said he'd sit out and watch us, so it ended up becoming one of those big brother vs. little brother competitions, and Alexander and I were really getting into it. (For the record: I won!) All the while Iris was happily sitting on the shore, building a sand castle and watching us wrestle in the waves.

That's when Alexander and I had the same idea. We rode the waves back to shore, ran over to Iris, and before he knew what was happening, we had him trapped between us. I was holding him up by the waist, my arms pinning his arms so he couldn't move. Alex was holding his feet so he couldn't kick as the two of us made our way into the water. Iris was struggling and screaming at us to put him down when he told us he couldn't swim! Alexander and I looked at each other. The plan was to throw Iris in the water and drench him, but now... At this point we were up to our knees in salt water, so we set Iris down and apologized.

"It was just one of those things that wasn't necessary, so I never learned how..."

Iris seemed embarrassed by it. Alexander said that he would teach Iris how to swim, which seemed to embarrass him more, but Alex wouldn't let it go. So, that's when Iris started swim lessons! I knew I wouldn't be a very good teacher, so I stayed out of it and played lifeguard while the two of them were in the waves. Even though I have more patience than Alex, I was also more likely to baby Iris, so I probably wouldn't be much help to him while he learned how to swim. It took him a while to get used to floating, but once he got that part down, swimming came naturally to him. He was so cute out there with Alex holding onto him. He was laughing and splashing; he was like a little kid. Well, he was still a kid, and he certainly was little...

I was so wrapped up watching the two of them, I didn't even notice the time. Iris and Alex finally came out of the water, and Iris fell over. Alex caught him and carried him inside. Iris said he felt dizzy so I checked his temperature. He had a slight fever. I told him I thought he had gotten too much sun, and Alex ran off to get him some water, which he drank in ten seconds. Alex went to get him another glass, and I laid his towel on the couch so he could lay down. I sat down on the floor beside him, and he looked over at me with a troubled look on his face.

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