Chapter 1

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After driving for hours we finally stopped at a gas station . Jake jumped out of the car and bolted towards his parents and embraced them. Tears drowned the family. I stood awkwardly from a distance next to Sandherein and Kramer who were in a tight hug . Morgan looked up and ran towards me . I jumped into her arms. She looked different to me . Bigger maybe ? I don't know and I didn't care . "It's over we made it," she said excitedly . I quickly hugged Mrs.Sanders who looked exauhsted but happy.
It was just then that I realized something . "Where is Duncan?" I asked. Everyone stopped and frowned . They all seemed sad. Why should they? Duncan Hurt us and held us hostage. "Duncan saved my life after the surgery," Mrs.Sanders explained wiping a year from her eye. Her husband stared at her looking as he wanted to touch her. "And when it was all over ," She continues "He turned himself into the authorities ,". My heart stopped. He turned himself in? Why would e do that? I wondered. As if reading my mind Mr.Sanders spoke up "he felt he shouldn't have the freedom after doing what he had done," . my eyes welled with tears. So Duncan wasn't a bad guy after all. I had over heard his wife had leukemia and the president was the only way to save her. But when she had found out about holding us hostage she lost it and Duncan lost her. We stood in the parking lot for a few moments mourning . Then Kramer called us back. ''Since you guys are on the run you have to have new identities," He said . He pulled out five packets. "Here is everything you need ," . I opened mine.

Name: Claire Norde


And there was another information packet but I didn't want to read it. I looked over at Morgan and Jakes. We shared a last name. Kramer sensed my confusion. "Meet your new brother and sister," he said. My jaw dropped .
"What?" we exclaimed.
"It would be suspicious if you had another kid with a different last name and family wouldn't it?" he said . I contemplated it for a moment then realized Kramer had a point.
I stared at the ground
This is it no more Bailey
Everything I know it gone.

Starting over (sequel to hostages)Where stories live. Discover now