Beverly Hills

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This is home for one year. Wow. We all step out the limo with our suitcases and admire our mansion for one year. Of course Jamie is the first one to get his phone out and take a photo, posting it on Instagram. Ted says goodbye and drives away, we all look at each other amazed, then run inside.

" I bagsey the biggest room" yells Sol.

"We'll see about that Solly" Jamie says with a smirk running into a room.

Eventually once we all have ran round the mansion and discovered new rooms, we soon find the master bedroom, that's the size of my mums garden in London.

"Soo" Harry says, "who gets this room then."

"I bagsey it first" sol says in a childish voice crossing his arms smiling.

"Um, ok how about we do this fairly... Rock paper scissor" says Lex holding out her hand in a ball.

"Alright then, ready" I say looking at everyone holding out my hand. They all do the same, ready.

"Rock paper scissors" we say in unison, I make a fire with my hand, Harry and Lex chose rock, Jamie chose scissor, and Sol chose paper.

"I win my fire burns everything!" I beam.

"What!? I've got scissors! You cheated!" Jamie says crossing his arms childishly.

"And I've got rock so my rock destroys you" Lex said sticking her tongue at him, Jamie copying her.

"And I beat you cos I got paper" Sol said to Lex childishly.

"Like I said I beat all of you with my fire!!" I said making swoosh sound.

I quickly grab my suitcases and go back into the room, with Harry hot at my heels getting his.

"CHEATER!" I laugh as I hear Sol say that.

I started to unpack my things and Harry started to unpack his, a few minutes later we could hear a lot of shouting, so we rushed into the living room to see two very immature people fighting on the floor you can take a wild guess who they are.

"I want that room Jamie! Whatever happened to ladies first!" Lexy said jumping on Jamie's back as soon as he got up, Jamie didn't move at all.

"Lex will you calm down it's just a room!" she jumped off and huffed.

"it's not just a room Jamie, it's big, it's blue and may I remind you that I'm a youtuber I need a big room for all of my things!" she huffed again.

"You know what, this is bloody pointless you want that room you can have it" her eyes sparkled when he said that, and she's back to normal poop the show's over.

"Really?! Thank you! I love you!" she kissed his cheek and rushed upstairs.

We all turn to look at Jamie, he's smiling like an idiot again.

"Oh you deny it, but you're definitely a lovesick puppy right now" He snaps out of it and playfully glares.

"So you admit it then!" I said loudly, Jamie put his index finger up to his mouth in a way of telling to shut up.

"She can hear you know" he whispered.

"Oh please her room is right at the end of the corridor upstairs it's impossible for her to hear us" he just shakes his head and walks upstairs.

"Well that leaves me with the rooms downstairs" Sol picked up his suitcase and walked his way down the hallway.

Lexy's POV

Whilst the others were already done unpacking I was stuck with setting my desk back together, I heard knocking on the door and since I locked it I got up off the floor and opened it.

"Hey Lexy boo" I laughed.

"Hey Solly boo" I said hugging him, he chuckles and hugs me back.

He came in and looked around my room and finally noticed the mess on the floor which was full of wires.

"Do you need some help there cutie?" he offered.

"No it's fine I'm ok, but you should really be enjoying the sights or go to the pool I know the others are really enjoying it down there..." he chuckles and smiles.

"Nah I would much rather be helping you then enjoying myself down by the pool, now c'mon Missy we have some work cut out for us" he said and put out his hand, I grabbed it and we walked over to my messy spot.

We finished about half an hour later, I lay on the ground breathing out a sigh of relief.

"That didn't take long now did it?" Sol laughed and laid down next to me.

"That's because you're here with me, thank you for helping me though, I really appreciate it" he shakes his head and laughs.

"There's no need to thank me silly, you know I'd do anything for you cutie" he said and opened up his arms up for me, I moved closer to him and hug him.

"Now what I want to know is do you like Jamie?" I knew it.

"I knew it! I knew there was a catch to this!" I got up and hit him with my nearest pillow.

"Hey now! That's not fair!" he quickly got up and put me over his shoulder.

"NO! Sol I'm sorry! Please put me down!" he laughs mischievously, oh no.

"NOPE!" he rushed down the stairs with me on his shoulder, he makes his way outside and I already know where my fate is going to be.

"Sol! Please I'm Sorry! I Love You?" he laughs and drops me in the pool.

"Ahh! It's cold! Sol you little bastard!" I said splashing him.

"Hey no splashing, naughty girl!" he laughs even more.

"Ok! I'll admit it, you won...this time, now help me out of the pool" he nods and put his hands out for me I grab them and pull him into the pool. He stays underwater for a bit but then comes up to surface.

"You little rascal, you!" he splashes me.

"If I went down, you were coming down with me!" I said sticking my tongue out at him.

He went underwater and swam away, I started to get out of the pool but Sol jumps up and grabs me.

"Sol come on, let me go, I'm all soaked and I think I'm starting to get a cold"

"Aww, party pooper...but ok let's get you out of here" he picked me up and put me down on the side of the pool as he jumped and sat next to me, he shook his head as he tries to get his hair away from his face.

"Oi you dog!" I giggled wiping away the water he put on my face.

"What did you say?" He said as he started to tickle me.

"No! No! I'm sorry! I'm s-oo-rrr-ry!" I laughed hysterically until he stopped tickling me.

"Sol?" I said once I've calmed down from the laughter.

"Hmm?" He said looking at me.

"I'm cold" he laughs and stands up he reaches down towards me and pulls me up.

"Want a piggy back ride??" I didn't think twice before jumping onto his back.

"I'm guessing that's a yes then" he laughs and started jogging towards the living room sliding doors.

When we get there everyone looks our way.



A/N: Hey guys sorry that this chapter was a month late but me and Beth were having a little bit of a writers block anyways here's the chapter hope you liked it! Oh and please vote and comment, thanks xx

~Cris & Beth xx

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