''Hey will you come over'' I asked her when she picked up the phone 

''Sure i'll be right over'' She said 

I heard my mom waking up.I went into her room 

''Hey mom Ciaras coming over'' I said 

'Okay hunny'' She replied 

A few minutes later the doorbell rang.

''Hey'' I said when i opened the door 

''You okay'' She asked 

''Not really..Lets go upstairs'' I said 

I explained about what happened with Jake.

''He's a prick anyway he's not worth it'' She said

''I suppose your right'' I said

 We turned on the radio.One of my favourite  songs came on i started singing along.

''Your really good'' Ciara said 

''Thank you but im not'' I said 

''You should seriously try audition for x-factor'' She said 

''Are you serious'' I said 

''Im one hundred percent serious'' She said 

''Why not so'' I said 

''Theres auditions next week'' She  said 

''Okay i'll go'' I said 

* One week later*

It was the day of the audition.I was terrified. Ciara came over really early.My Mom drove us to the arena where the auditions were taking place. 

''I'm so nervous'' I said to Ciara 

''You'll be fine'' She said 

We went inside and i got my number. A few hours later they called me.We went back stage.. A few minutes later a woman came up to me and said ''The judges are ready for you now'' 

''Good luck'' Ciara said 

''Thanks'' I replied 

I walked out onto the stage and the crowd cheered.

''Whats your name'' Demi Lovato said once i walked over to the middle of the stage

''My Names Alex'' I said

''Cool.. Is that short for anything'' She asked

''Yes its short for alexandria'' I said 

''Awesome and how old are you'' She asked 

''I'm 15'' I told her

''What are you going to sing'' She asked 

''I'm going to sing your song skyscraper'' I said 

''Okay.. take it away'' She said

I started singing.Everyone cheered people got up off their seats.When i finished singing everyone cheered and the judges stood up.

''L.A'' Demi Said 

''That was amazing '' He said

''Thank You'' I replied 

''Britney'' Demi Said 

''That was amazing'' She said 

''Simon'' Demi Said 

''That was sensational'' He said 

''You were amazing'' Demi Said 

''Okay L.A Yes or no'' She asked 

''Yes'' La Said

''Britney yes or no'' She said 

''Yes from me'' She said 

''Simon'' Demi said 

''Yes from me'' He said. I started freaking out

''Its a define yes from me you have 4 yes's'' Demi Said 

''Thank you so much'' I said

I ran off the stage crying

''Oh My God'' Ciara screamed when i got offf stage

''I got through'' I yelled 

I rang my mom

''Hey'' She said 

''Guess what'' I said 

''What'' She said 

''I got through'' I yelled 

''Oh My God you didn't'' She screamed 

''i did'' I said then i  hung up the phone

''Demi Freakin' Lovato said yes to me'' I said 

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