Love On Top:Samba (Chapter 4)

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Chapter 4

~Love On Top:Samba~

'Zendaya's POV'

"So this week is about the best year of your life, when was that?" Val asked leaning back against the wall, his arms folded across his chest, a slight smile playing on his lips.

I smiled as I thought to myself, "It would have to be 2009, cause that's when I got "discovered" I guess you could say."

He grinned, "All right, so what song do you want to do?"

I bit my lip as I thought about the many events that occurred that year. I noticed Val look away from me, but I brushed it off and suddenly it hit me, "Beyonce." I said quickly.

His gaze returned to my face, his eyebrows raised in confusion. "Beyonce?"

I smiled, "I've always looked up to her as a role model, and in 2009 I actually saw her in concert. I want to dance to love on top." I proclaimed proudly.

He chuckled and shook his head, "Sounds good to me. Now that I know the song, give me a little bit to work on some Samba choreography."

I nodded and slid to the ground against the wall I had been previously leaning on. I watched him fiddle with his phone as he hooked it up to the dock and the beat to 'Love On Top' poured out through the speakers. My feet tapped to the beat of the song on their own and I smiled involuntarily as I watched him visualizing the dance. After a little while of me watching him dancing around the studio, he turned and smiled at me. "I think I've got it. Come here so we can try a few of the basic steps out." He beckoned me towards him. I stood and took his outstretched hand smiling at him. He showed me the basic steps and once I had them down, he stopped and looked directly at me, eyebrows furrowed slightly. "What's wrong? Am I doing it wrong?" I asked thinking back through what I had just done.

"Was my leg not straight on that one part? I was trying to keep it straight but maybe I thought too much abou mmph" I was cut off as Val laughed and pushed a finger against my lips.

I tried to ignore the tingly feeling that his finger left across my lips and I just looked at him, eyebrows raised. He slowly removed his finger from my lips, "You were doing great, so calm down. What I was going to say, was that I had an idea, but I'm not sure how you're going to feel about it."

"Try me." I said watching him, curious as to what he had to say.

He watched me warily as he spoke, "I want to try and spice this dance up a bit, that is, only if you're comfortable with it."

My heartbeat sped up a bit at the thought of "spicing things up." I cleared my throat and looked at him again, "What did you have in mind?"

"I guess it would be easier if I show you while I explain. Come over here." He smirked slightly.

He could probably see the anxiousness and nervousness written all over my face as I stepped towards him. "Quick question, does touching my chest bother you?"

I coughed, surprised at his question. "No?" I phrased it as a question cause I had no idea where he was going with that.

He smiled slightly, "Okay let's try this out then." He held a hand out and I took it without even thinking. "One move is going to be like this..." He demonstrated against me, keeping his hand hovering in the air in front of my chest.

My pounding heart didn't seem to want to slow down as he continued demonstrating the different moves. As I started attempting the moves myself, I could feel my cheeks burning. Every time my hand came in contact with his chest my entire body felt like it was going to explode. I couldn't explain what was happening inside of me, but I loved it.

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⏰ Última atualização: Dec 23, 2013 ⏰

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Forbidden Romance (Val Chmerkovskiy and Zendaya Coleman Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora