Broken Treaty's & Broken Hearts

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We've been waiting all night for Pike,Bellamy and the group they took with them to return.They left to go deal with the grounder army but I don't know why they can't understand that the army was there to protect us,I just hope Bellamy doesn't get hurt or do anything stupid.

I'm still in quite a bit of pain but Abby's been giving me some meds that have been helping.

"Ella, they're back" I hear Fox yell

I slowly stand up and walk over to the gate where I see Bellamy and the group enter camp covered in blood. but It doesn't look like anyone is injured.

I make my way over to Bellamy.

"Are all right? What the hell happened out there?" I say frantically,forgetting that he totally blew up at me the day before

"I'm fine" He grumbles,pushing past me

"Everybody listen up" Pike says gathering us all.He then proceeds to deliver some speech about how what he is doing to protect us and claiming that this land is 'ours'.

So I heard it as he did something stupid and the grounders are going to kill us all.

I walk over to Abby who is listening in disbelief.

"Ella, you shouldn't be walking around" she tells me

"You have to do something about this,hes going to get us all killed" I plead

"I can't, he was voted in." She sighs

"This is like Finn all over again,except this time I would have no problem sacrificing Pike" I say annoyed

"Watch what you say,hes the chancellor" Someone who over heard our conversation says,He's wearing a guard jacket.

"screw him" I spit

The guy grabs my arm and starts to drag me inside.

"What the hell are you doing?" Abby screams at him as I struggle,We were moving to fast and it was hurting my still fresh stab wound.

"The chancellor gave instructions to bring anyone being rebellious to him" The guard says before we disappear inside where Abby can't see us.

"Slow down,please.I'm hurt" I say clutching my side,tears starting to roll down my cheeks.

"Oh shut up" he says before we enter a room where I see Pike,Bellamy and a few others standing around a table discussing something.

"What do you need?" Pike asks

At this point the tears are pouring out because I'm in so much pain from him practically dragging me hear.

"Let her go" Bellamy says and the man lets go of my arm which was the only way I was staying up right.

I collapse to the ground and Bellamy quickly walks over and scoops me up into his arms.

"She was speaking out against you chancellor,she made a threat" The guard says

"Thanks for letting me know" Pike says dismissing the guard

"Are you okay? Whats wrong? Did he hurt you?" Bellamy says concerned

"Why do you care,You're to busy trying to get us killed" I spit at him,trying to get out of his arms but he just holds me closer to his chest.

"She won't be a problem,I'll just take her back to our room" Bellamy says to Pike.

"She better not be or we'll have to lock her up" Pike says before dismissing us.

Bellamy carry's me all the way back to our room.

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