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(Ivory in photo😻)

(Jakes POV)

I finally got up to leave the office when the bell rung.

"Sir I better not see you again or it's a automatic suspension." She said eyeing me.

I kept walking.

"Mane she so annoying." I whispered under my breath.

I felt a body bump into me hard.
I turned around to see who it was.

It was Ivory.

She dropped all her stuff and she was picking it up.

"Aye watch where your going next time." I said kicking her book and it slid across the floor.

"Hey stop you prick." She said a punched my leg
"Aww is the whittle baby sad." I said making a sad crying face walking off.

"Your gonna regret that." She said getting all up stuff up and walking my direction but in front of me.

I feel bad for being mean to hurt but it wasn't serious so I don't really care.

"Aye yo lets go to lunch." Justin said putting his around my neck.

"Where will at?" I asked looking around.

"Ion even know I think he went home early or sum." He said winking and waving at the girls.

"You and that new girl be havin me so weak." He said laughin.

"Who Ivory?" I asked scoffing.

"Yeah man I think. She cute tho." He said slowly closing his eyes.

"Nigga are you high." I said taking his arm from around me and looking at him.

"Nah man" he said laughing blinking a lot.

"Yeah you are. Alright keep it together ion have time to be hearin these teachers mouth yo." I said sighing.

"Ayo where is the weed here give it to me." I said holding out my hand.

"Here man." He said slurring his words handing me the weed.

"Alright come on let's go." I said patting his back and we headed off into the cafeteria.

We walked in and stood in line.
There she was Ivory right in front of us.

I started touching her hair.
"Why does it feel like that." I said laughing.

"Keep your crusty hand out my head." She said hitting my hand.

"Fiesty." I said snickering.

She didn't look back I got my lunch and walked to my table.

"Don't fall my dear." Ivory said before walking off winking.

What did she mean by that?


Smack head first into my food.
Oh my god I think I broke my nose.

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