Chapter 2

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My dog came home triping and trembling I asked why are you doing that,she said MY PUSSY GOT DESTROYED BY A CINNAMON BUN! I high fived her and went back to smoking meth with my step-dad.My dog went in her room and watched anime porn for the rest of the day. The next day a cinnamon bun came to the door and asked for my dog then i called her down he started blushing and thats when i knew they were going to do the frick-frack didily-dack patty-wack snick-snack crack-pack slack-mack quarterback biofeedback cracker-jack thumbtack side-track tic-tac murderously. She told me to GTFO of the house because its luckin for fuckin time. I nodded my head and flew out the door and went to the strip club. My dog said "we have the whole house to are selves what do you want to do?" She asked cinnamon bun then he said "IM GOING TO SPIT ON YOUR BACK AND MAKE YOU MY CUM SLUT WHORE!" And thats exactly what he did.

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