Why am so scared

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(Jake picture )

Sorry I have not updated I been  busy with school

Anyway sorry and here you go

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Allen pov

I don't want this person to leave, I don't know anyone else, and I know he a good person, he save me.

He had walk out the room with the brown hair boy ,and I was left in the room with the girl.

It was quite ,nobody said anything, soon later they came back. I was sad again, know he was going or leave.

He was just about to leave, intill he came up closer to me. My eye were wide open,his lips were on mine.

His lips were so soft and the kiss was quick but sweet. But for some reason I was scared, something was telling me to run away.

The kiss was soft and gently but why was I so scared, who was he? Why do I feel like if know him.

" Allen are you ok, I don't know what happened ,but he won't bother you again "

I don't know this boy with brown hair is. But for some reason i fell like I can trust him.

Normal pov

Rin looks over at Allen and holds his hand and smiles at him. Tell him that it will be alright.

"Thank you for worry about me , but who are you people."

Rin and Jake had both look at Allen with their eyes wide open. They were just about to say something to Allen but..

Allens mom run into to room rushing to find here baby. She was crying, and soon after Luke walks into the room with a upset face.

"Luke what happened to Allen" Rin and Jake said in harmony.

" Allen lost his memory he doesn't know who we are anymore"

Your joking right you got to be kidding me. How could this had happen. Jake couldn't believe this happens all in one day.

"Mom what wrong"

Ms smith eyes wide open and starts to cry even more. Here son didn't forget who she was.

" Hey Allen do you know who we are or at least on of us."

Allen had shakes his head side to side, at the girl who looks like she was about to cry.

" It looks like Allen forgot all about his high school life, it like he never went to high school and meet us."

We meet him on the first day so of school so it means that if he doesn't even remember that, their no way her remember us.

Everyone had looked at Luke, for what he just said, then back at Allen.
They had just realized what was going and how all the memories the four share were gone.

Everyone was depressed, but soon a doctor had walk into the room telling everyone he had information on Allen memory loss.

" As you all may now by now Mr. smith has lost his memory, but don't worry it should return. We don't know how long but they should return."

Everyone had calmed down after hearing what the doctor had said.

It was time to leave, but they promise they be back. You should get some rest you had a long day.

(In side the car)

" So Jake mind telling me why I saw a Leo in the hallway. "

So you saw him, well their no point in not telling.

He was the one that called the ambulance, for Allen. Even though he did call the ambulance,  this ass thinks he can do what every he wants.

" Jake just tell me what happened"

He kissed Allen on the lips.

"He did what to my son."

Ms smith was not happy she had parked the car to look at us.

We all did not know how to explain the story to her we all knew Allen didn't tell his mom about the bullying
We all look at each other than back at Ms. Smith.

" This is going to be a long night."

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Yea I wrote it anyway thanks for reading but i wanted to thank  


Thank you and
Thank you everyone


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