A Small Intro

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AN: Hello Harry Potter fans. I have to inform you that this story is based off of the very first Marauder story I ever heard, which was told to me by LittleChibiSpeedster so, give her all the credit (yes, we really are brother and sister our DC stories don't lie about that). Little Marauders will be told by Moony (the best Marauder) and takes place early Third Year just before they became animagi.

"Prongs, maybe we should try this when we're more experienced in wizardry," I said as we walked down a corridor headed back to the Gryffindor common room.

"Oh, Moony," said Padfoot. "when are you going to learn? We're already so experienced that we could have done it when we were nine months old."

"Yeah," started Prongs. "Hey, where's Wormtail?" He messed with his "such awesome" hair as he calls it.

"I dunno," said Padfoot.

Just then Wormtail ran up. "Sorry. Professor McGonagall made me turn a few more beetles into buttons."

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