Chapter 2

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Every now and then, every single girl in the world questions her beauty. We wonder if we really are pretty and question ourselves too. We soon make ourselves believe we aren't beautiful. We really are though.

Every girl dreams about her Prince Charming or her Knight in Shining Armor.

What we don't realize is sometimes they are right in front of us.

Sorry. Off topic.

Anyways, when we question our beauty and ourselves we should have, no, we WANTsomeone to be there for us telling us we are beautiful. Even if it's true or not.

When we don't have anyone to tell us that, we soon do believe that we truly aren't beautiful.

Every day of our lives we look into a mirror.

It's just that some times we don't see anything good.

When we are going through those days we need that Prince Charming to let us not believe that we aren't beautiful.

We need someone to make our insides all weak and make us have butterflies.

Even married women (I think) need someone to tell them they are beautiful and to flirt with them everyday.

Without that we will lose ourselves.

I used to have dreams about this guy I liked for soooo long.

My favorite one was when we were in class one day, probably homeroom ( :P ), and he would be bothering me and when we started talking and stuff, I would notice his earring was missing.

Me being his girlfriend would give him one of mine (nothing too flashy, something unisex and simple).

And he would wear it every single day.

He would even wear it after or if we broke up.

But the sad part?

It was a dream.

It hasn't happened.

I'm pretty sure it won't happen.

I don't have that guy waiting to tell me I'm beautiful.

Therefore, I have lost myself.

I hope no one else loses themselves too.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2011 ⏰

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