Chapter 9

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To say Itachi was pissed off was an understatement. He was so angry with his brother, he had considered asking his parents to strip Sasuke of his Uchiha title - meaning to disown him. Naruto had to persuade Itachi to think about it from another angle. Itachi fumed but his anger dissipated slightly. (Okay. This is random but when I was typing, I realized that when I type Itachi's name, the heart emoji will show up in my word suggestion bar thingy)
Itachi twitched in annoyance when he looked at his poor Naruto and saw all the bruises and cuts. Naruto wrapped his arms around Itachi to calm him down so that he would think through everything carefully. "Seriously though. I swear I will gut him and hang him by his intestines and skin him alive if you let me." Itachi fumed, clenching his phone so hard that Naruto was worried it would break into pieces. Naruto gently pried the poor phone out of Itachi's relentless and vicious grasp, placing it onto the table and replaced the empty space next to Itachi's palm with his own hand. "It's going to work out just the way you want it. Karma will make sure of it." Naruto said, drawing random circles on the back of Itachi's hand then raised his head to meet Itachi's gaze and flashed him a feral grin, letting the older male know that Naruto knows exactly what he himself is talking about.
Naruto was pulled against Itachi as the man brought the boy closer for an embrace. It was this random acts of affection that Naruto love the most and the way Itachi doesn't care that they're out in public. Itachi wasn't forceful or that he wouldn't just push Naruto into doing something. Itachi was considerate of his feelings and would always be absolutely gentle unless he was sure that Naruto was okay with it. Naruto felt daring all of a sudden. He angled his head carefully as to not alert Itachi of what he was up to.
Itachi's eyes widened in surprise and he quietly gasped when he felt Naruto's lips on his neck, sucking and nibbling. Itachi closed his eyes in appreciation at the pleasure, enjoying every second as Naruto made a nice sized hickey on his neck. Naruto kissed his way up to Itachi's lips, capturing it gently. Naruto hesitated a bit, unsure if Itachi wants him to continue. Naruto smiled slightly when Itachi pushed back, responding all too eagerly to the kiss. When they broke apart, Itachi grasped Naruto's face gently. "Where'd you learn that?" Naruto turned bright red and tried to look away but Itachi kept his head in place.
"Um... I-I don't know. I-it just came to me, did I do it wrong? Did I hurt you? I am so sorry! Are you still hurting? Oh kami, I am so-" Naruto blurted out, fussing over Itachi despite being more injured than Itachi was. Itachi was actually happy with his 'injury'. Itachi cut him off with another kiss, not wanting Naruto to apologise so many times for something he did not do wrong. "No. I am not hurt. Do not apologise for something you did not do, you do not deserve such harsh treatment, Naru." Itachi said, looking Naruto in the eye, captured immediately by the intense bright blue suddenly exploding with emotions. Itachi snaked an arm around Naruto's neck, pulling him closer and he captured the blond's lip into a kiss before trailing down to leave hickeys like Naruto did to him. But Itachi being Itachi made more than one hickey, making Naruto neck look even more bruised up then ever.

"Where have you guys been?" Kisame asked when he saw the couple approaching, holding hands. This made Kisame smile as he noticed the small almost invisible smile on his best friend's face. This was one of the happy moments from Itachi he has seen since Naruto and Itachi got together.
"Took Itachi away to calm him down." Naruto said, smiling slightly as a greeting to the rest. Konan pouted and her eyes held sadness. Despite everyone else thinking she was some ice queen, she was actually very emotional. "Poor boy." Konan whispered as she gently caressed the boy's bandaged cheek. "Does it still hurt?" Nagato asked worriedly, a frown marring his face. Naruto shook his head slightly. Naruto felt his jacket slip and he quickly pulled it together, earning suspicious looks as had Itachi subconsciously reached up and did the same thing to his own jacket, adjusting it slightly. "What are you hiding?" Sasori asked, eyes narrowing playfully. Naruto shook head calmly and said he wasn't hiding anything. Naruto was good at hiding his emotions and feelings, has been since he was younger and he will still be able to now since he was a little more grown up. "How's your neck doing? Sasuke left a pretty big bruise there." Yahiko said, earning a slight glare from Naruto and a twitch from Itachi. "What did I say?"
"Itachi is getting angry again, not that he wasn't still angry but he is angrier now." Naruto said with a sigh as he rubbed his thumb on Itachi's hand to tell him to calm down. Itachi enjoys the little gestures Naruto does to him when they're holding hands and Naruto knows it.
"Oh my God!" Konan exclaimed when a thought hit her, clapping her hands together loudly subconsciously. Everyone turned to look at her, curious about her sudden outburst. "Hickey! You gave him a hickey!" Konan said, pointing an accusing finger at Itachi. The boy clearly knows Naruto is injured at the neck and yet he still gave him a hickey.
"Um... Uh... It's not his fault. I started it." Naruto admitted shyly, which made the rest gawk and Itachi to sigh at their reaction.
"You started it... Does that mean you gave Itachi a hickey?" Yahiko asked slowly, unsure about his statement. Naruto nodded meekly, not willing to meet their gazes. There was a slight pause before they responded. Their response was simultaneous but it had demanded the same thing. Itachi reluctantly pulled his jacket apart slightly, just enough to show the hickey. "I never thought I would live to see the day that the great Uchiha Itachi's skin being flawed, by a hickey none the less! Un!" Deidara exclaimed, jumping around in happiness that he got to see it. Konan demanded to see Naruto's which Naruto flat out refused, shrinking behind Itachi. He yelped quietly when Itachi pulled him in front and trapped him in a back hug. Itachi tugged the jacket slightly and it fell away to reveal the hickey which made the rest pause in shock. The sheer amount of bruising made them all freak, but that's not all. They could still see the hickeys which was an impressive size and amount. Itachi is in for a long lecture about being gentle now.

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