Preface: Homework Havoc

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The morning sky is just beginning to brighten as two girls head out for school, their blazers freshly ironed and skirts neatly and precisely resting three centimetres above the knee. The two girls walk beside one another for a short while in a comfortable silence until one speaks out as she looks up at the clearing skies.

"Isn't it a beautiful morning, Emily?" the mousey haired teen asks with a bright smile.

"It is, Lily," Emily nods her head. Even after all of these years, when the mousey haired girl acts like this, it's practically impossible to think of her as the demon that attempted to murder her six years ago. Emily was only an infant but he was smart enough to have a small inclination as to how to preserve her life.

They continue to walk toward their school in a comfortable silence until two distinguishable figures of their classmates and friends emerge on the horizon. Though the two girls have a love hate relationship that has lasted three years of secondary school already, Megan and Bella were always entertaining to both Emily and Lily. Emily simply due to his closeness with both girls, whether it be the sporty and artistic Megan, or the mathematical and tech-savvy Bella. While Lily found them entertaining due to how trivial such exchanges are. It reminded her of two characters an old flame from centuries ago had conjured up – Beatrice and Benedict from the childish yet amusing William's comedy 'Much Ado'.

"Yo, Em'!" Megan jogs over, Bella lagging behind. The blonde haired brown eyed teen grins and slings her arm around the slender Chinese girl. Bella stands beside Lilly, who copies Megan's gesture and drapes her arm over the squirming nerd's shoulder.

"Morning, Meg. Morning Bella."

"Have you done the IT homework, Em'? I was going to copy off Bella but she isn't letting me!"

With that declaration, both Emily and Lily turn their heads to study the expression of Bella. She smirks, and strikes a pose, adjusting her glasses as her springy afro bounces. Her smug expression means that she's most definitely certain she attained an A in the homework task.

"I actually haven't," Emily admits, ducking her head sheepishly as the four teens make their way into their school, "I was hoping to copy off Bella."


"Bella," The mousey haired girl admits with a cheesy grin that makes Megan grimace.

"How am I going to get this homework done before second period!" she wails.

Bella laughs, shoving her hands into her blazer pockets and wriggling out of Lily's embrace, "I'll make a deal with you, Meg,"

The blonde girl makes a fist, almost certain that the debt will involve money or humiliation, and at this point, she would rather pay for her lack of homework with a detention. Not that she wanted one of those either.


"I'm practically out of cash and would die for a slice of pizza."

"No. It's Friday for God's sake! Just survive on jelly beans and a can of Monster like the rest of us do! Tom and Aaron are selling today. Scram!"

"Then no homework."

With that, Megan's expression of confidence falters and depreciates into one of fear and panic. Her hands begin to shake as she looks at her watch. Only ten minutes before first period.

"Fine. I'll go ask Hannah!" and with that Megan runs into the school gates in search of the burgundy haired art student. Out of all of Emily's friends, she has known Hannah and Megan for the longest space of time. Then it would actually be Lily, the demon possessing the growing body of the child that died six years ago, then Bella.

The trio roll their eyes at Megan's disappearing body. It is only then that Bella smirks and hands two photocopied IT answer sheets that he had filled in.

"You're the best, Bella." Lily exclaims, hugging the black eyed teen, much to her annoyance.

"Let me go, Lily!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2016 ⏰

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