Chapter 1

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"Dementors? In Little Whinging?" I hear my mum say, outside my bedroom door, "Why that's absurd! Is he okay?"

My eyes snap open, Harry Potter lives in Little Whinging. I look around to make sure Hermione, my friend and roommate, is still asleep in her bed, she is.

"Yes, he took care of them with a protronus, but he was with his muggle cousin, Dudley I think the boy's name is. The Ministry is not happy with him." Sirius Black says gravely as he continues up the stairs.

What the bloodly hell! It was a life or death situation with a muggle that already new about the existence of magic! My mom is right, this is crazy!

I pray to Themis, for order, and justice. Then, I look at the clock 6 am on the dot, I do the only thing else I can do, I go back to sleep.


When I wake up again, it's half past 10 and I venture down the stairs to the kitchen. Weirdly enough it is empty. I sigh and make some eggs.

After I eat my breakfast and am going up the stairs I hear my mum talking to my father about a meeting The Order of the Phoenix, a wizarding group found by Albus Dumbledore to defending the wizarding and muggle worlds from Lord Voldermort, the most evil wizard in modern history, is having tonight.

Returning to my room, I see Hermione is gone; probably with Ron, my brother. I wish those two would wake up already it's obvious they like each other and honestly I love Hermione so Ron needs to get a move on before someone else asks her out.

I go over to my rucksack and pull out and a bag of dungbombs. Nemphdora Tonks, a member of The Order, taught me how to tell when a door has an Imperturbable Charm. Throwing things at the door and if they don't make contact the door's been charmed, simple yet effective.

I walk towards the stairs until I have a good view of the dining room, where the meeting is taking place, door and proceed to start throwing the dung bombs at the door.

I throw six and none make contact, without a word I creep back up the stairs.

Putting the bag of remaining dungbombs back into my rucksack, I walk to the bathroom. Which is where I hear Harry's voice for the first time in months, technically six but technically three.

I can hear him screaming his head off at Ron, and Hermione, my roommate. CRACK! Oi, Fred and George are starting to get on my nerves, Stuipd apparating.

I run a brush through my long red locks and start walking down the stairs to Ron's room.

"It's worth the risk, that's a major meeting they're having," I can hear saying on the other side of the door.

I open it, and walk through.

"Oh hello, Harry! I thought I heard your voice," I say smiling, I have had a crush on Harry forever but I have a boyfriend now that I really like. His name is Michael Corner, he goes to Hogwarts and he is funny and sweet.

Then, I turn to Fred and George, "It's no go with the Extendable Ears, she's gone and done an Imperturbable Charm on the Kitchen door."

The twins had already told me their plan earlier. They want to listen in on the big order meeting taking place to day, using their new invention Extendable Ears.

"How d'you know?" George asks looking upset.

"Tonks told me how to find out," I reply. "You just chuck stuff at the door and if it can't make contact the door's been Imperturbed. I've been flicking Dungbombs at it from the top of the stairs, and they just soar away from it, so there's no way the Extendable Ears will be able to get under the gap."

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