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I woke up at 5:00 am by pain as I come to my senses I remember what happened with my mum last night
I got up and looked in the mirror I cried again by all the cuts on my body that's when I also remember I'm locked up in my room

I sat down on my bed and listened to music and studied. It was now 3:35 pm and I got a call from a phone number I didn't recognised so I answered

"Hello?" I said quietly

"Where the fuck where you today dork you still coming to mine to study!!" Grayson shouted at me

"I can't " I said quietly refusing tears to spill out

"That's exactly what you said yesterday !" Grayson said getting cocky

"That's it I'm coming over to bring your here"Grayson shouted

"Gra-" he hang up what an asshole

"Screw it" I grabbed my books and opened the window and climbed out until I saw Grayson

"What the fuck are you doing" he said looking up at me

"My mum locked me in that's why I wasn't at sc-" I feel out of my window but Grayson caught me princess style
I look at Grayson

"Thank you" I say blushing and he was blushing too

"Your welco-" he looked at all my cuts

"What happened to you " he looked deeply into my eyes worried.. like you care.. Good one

"Don't worry " I mumble looking down
He puts me down and grabs my hand and drags me

"Where we going" I ask looking at him tripping over every now and then.

"My house and you are gonna rest in my bedroom whiles I'm at my mates then when I get home we can work on the project ok baby girl" he says kissing my cheek

I smile widely and I he really caring for me or is he gonna rape me when I get to he's and am I getting feelings for my bully Grayson .....
Hey guys It's getting to this part of the story when Amelia gets feelings for Grayson But Also Likes ......... And ......... You will see who through out the story
Pls like and vote what should happen next and please share with your friends  btw sorry it's a short chapter
Luv ya all - Ashie

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