She paced back and forth in the waiting area; her nails were all but chewed down to the quick. The receptionist looked at her uneasily. She looked to the clock for about the 20th time in the past five minutes. She took back to pacing, skillfully avoiding eye contact with the receptionist who wouldn't stop staring, though Sora couldn't blame her. There she was in the hospital waiting room, blood stains on her dress, an arm bandaged and face slightly scraped from the fall, looking around like she expected a ghost to appear out of thin air.

"Sora!" May called from the door, a mixture of relief and anxiety etched onto her face. Sora could tell she was judging the amount of blood on the front of her dress, but that didn't seem to matter considering how quick she was to pull Sora to her chest. Ken wasn't too far behind. She pulled away and looked Sora up and down. "Are you okay?" Her eyebrows were pulled together in worry.

Sora's vision blurred as tears began to stream down her face again. "He knocked me out of the way." Her voice broke. "He saw me run, and knocked me out of the way." She began to sob as May pulled her close again; Ken remained silent, unsure of what to do in the presence of tears.

"SShh," May whispered as Sora cried into her shoulder, "It'll be okay." Where was Layla when you needed her? Why did she have to pick that week to go on vacation with the family?

Sora sniffled, "What if he's…" her voice broke, "Because of me… What if he's…"

"Don't even think about it!" May pulled away and held Sora by the shoulders, looking directly into her scraped up, tear-stained face and said it firmly. "Do not sell him short. We've seen this guy fall from fifty foot drops, he will get through this, I promise." May only hoped she hadn't turned herself into a liar.

"Miss Naegino?" Sora turned to see a young nurse, maybe a couple years older than her, in lavender scrubs. "Your friend is out of surgery now, you may go in," she looked at May and Ken, "I'm sorry but I can only allow one person in at a time, he needs to rest."

"That's fine, thank you." May answered for all three of them, she turned to Sora, "See, I told you, now go." There was no hiding the relief in Sora's expression, she squeezed May's hand and turned to follow the nurse.

Her throat felt blocked, her chest constricted, her eyes were locked onto the bed. Leon looked like he'd been hit by a train, or should I say a car. His eyes were surrounded by dark circles, deep bruises that would not fade for a while. His forehead was wrapped tightly in gauze; she could see the stitches peeking out from one corner. His face was pale; she could see a split in his upper lip and the oxygen hose in his nose. His left leg was in a cast, his arm was bandaged, Sora assumed he's gotten some pretty bad scrapes, though that was the least of his worries.

He had an IV drip hanging near the bed and was hooked up to the heart monitor. Sora could hear the steady beeping of the machine, a sign that he was alive. She nearly collapsed at his bedside, relief making her knees weak, but her chest ached, knowing that this was her fault.

"This is all my fault," she had begun to cry yet again. Stupid effing hormones! She took one of his hands in both of hers and kissed it softly. "I'm so sorry Leon." She whispered. She rested her forehead against his hand. "I'm sorry. I never wanted any of this to happen." She sobbed softly. "Why did you do this for me? Why would you risk dying just for me?" she asked, her head throbbing. "I just want to say thank you," she said softly, "I know you can't hear me right now, but I just wanted to thank you for saving my baby," she paused, "Our baby," she whispered, her voice breaking in the end. "You'll make a great father one day. I'm sorry for lying to you Leon, I'm so sorry." She cried yet again, "Leon, I know it's not right, but I love you. Please wake up." She pleaded, but he didn't respond. "Please." But her plea was only met with silence.

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