"Sir, why aren't both Dr. Donovan and his daughter currently under surveillance with protective duties?"

"Currently they are under level 3 surveillance, public appearances only. Both of them have their own private details but as you know ex-military isn't always the best option, civilians don't understand that. At this point, the chatter is on our radar, and our analysts are continuing to data-mine and look specifically for intelligence regarding this matter. We feel that the threat is not imminent and the risk to their personal wellbeing is worth the possible intel on the terrorist cell. We don't want to show our hand just yet."

"How will I engage the asset?" Jane imagined that there could be complications with the current security detail.

"Right now Ms. Donovan has a long-time driver, ex-military, and one full-time bodyguard, a recent hire through Knight Securities Firm. At events and public appearances, "Mr. Smith" coordinates with additional security. We've done some digging on Mr. Smith from KSF and it seems he has some unusual activity and is likely addicted to painkillers. His company will receive this information in the morning and he will be removed from duty. At that time our security firm will notify KSF that their services are terminated and they are to cease and desist all communications. We will simultaneously notify Ms. Donovan's driver that they are sending over a replacement from a highly recommended firm to interview within the hour." Jane nodded, processing the very tight timeline. "We will impress upon him that she will be meeting the absolute best. You will meet with Ms. Donovan within 45 minutes. At that time you must convince her that you are the best option for her security. Agent Baker?" Agent Foster broke her train of thought.

"Yes sir?"

"You will also double as a personal assistant so we gain access to her public and private business as quickly as possible. William from tech will outfit you with everything you'll need. Any request that she has will come through the Mailroom. You will have full support. You should be able to meet all her requests in a timely manner. At this time we will hold off on internal surveillance systems. Both Dr. Donovan's and Ms. Donovan's residences and offices in D.C. and in New York are swept at random two times a week by independent security firms specializing in counter-surveillance solutions. Biomedical research is big, big, business and corporate espionage are common. We will be relying on you to gather as much data as possible."

Agent Foster slid a large manilla envelope across the table. "Here's your skin. Review her file, review your skin, it's not a stretch for you this time. See William before you leave." Agent Foster stood up and left without another word.

Jane returned to her desk and began to review Ms. Donovan's file. There were no surprises. She stands 5'8", brown hair, green eyes, she had a heart murmur as a child but is now otherwise healthy. She was a Dean's List student at Duke, she participated in the university chapter of Advocates for World Health, she spent her summers working for her father's company. She has had a couple of publicized relationships with young socialite men in Washington D.C. but nothing seemed to develop.

Jane's skin read very much like her own background. Whenever possible, maintaining threads of truth in a skin was beneficial. She would use her current surname but go by Ms. Baker, not Agent. Her schooling at the Naval Academy would be unchanged, her four years in the military were classified, and for the past three years, she's been working for the U.S. Ambassador Belgium. Jane made a mental note to brush up on her Dutch that evening. Jane inventoried the contents of the envelope. Company I.D., driver's license, passport, two credit cards, cash. She got up and walked to the back of the mailroom to get outfitted by William.

"Hello Agent Baker," William smiled as she approached, "we're all set for you."

"Thank you, William, I'm ready. What have you got?"

"Here's your smartphone. The favorites are already programmed with direct lines to us "PO1914," the driver, "Reggie," both residences and offices Washington D.C. and New York, and Dr. Donovan's cell and Ms. Donovan's Cell. We've data-mined her most common and recent acquaintances, there aren't that many, and entered them as well. Once the current bodyguard is terminated notify us immediately and we will schedule the locks at the residences and offices to be reprogrammed."

Jane nodded as William continued. "Consider us your concierge, I can't imagine that we wouldn't be able to meet any of her requests or demands in a timely manner." William handed Jane four small jewelry boxes from Tiffany and Co. "These are two cable chain bracelets and two cable chain anklets, one each in silver and one each in gold. They are delicate, quite beautiful, and also 'panic buttons.'"

"If Ms. Donovan rips any of these off her body we get an immediate signal on all four pieces. We will track the location of the originating signal within 3 feet and we will also simultaneously track any movement among the remaining 3 pieces. That data will be sent to your cell device as well. I suggest you have her wear these in sets when she's attending events. It would help us if you notify us which pieces she is wearing before you head out. We have had an occasion in which an asset was lost because their tracking device was in their clothing and they were stripped down before they were moved from the extraction point." William paused, "We do of course have the injectable tracking technology if you think they are viable options."

Jane hesitated for only a moment, "Not this time William."

"Noted. Stop by the range today to pick up your weapons of choice. Contact us if you have any questions. Good luck Agent Baker."

"Thank you, William." Jane left for the weapons range to pick up a Sig Sauer P238 semi-automatic handgun. It is a light minimal gun with stopping power that can easily fit into a handbag or small holster, even wearing more form-fitting attire. She fired 500 rounds while she was at the range breaking the gun in. She also picked up a 4-inch government-issue tactical knife and sheath that she could easily conceal around her upper thigh.

Jane returned to her house and carefully selected professional but also attractive attire. She would have to make a read immediately on Ms. Donovan to determine what her comfort level was with regard to professional women. Jane understood well that she could be unsettling and she developed a skill set that helped her to diminish or highlight her presence. The key for her was always balance. Her ability to detect nuance and adjust accordingly was exceptional. Now all she had to do was convince Ms. Donovan that there was no choice to be made.

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