Tsukiyama: ahh, i'm okay Haise.

Tsukiyama almost loosing controll of his senses.

Where is that handkerchief? He thought. The handkerchief that had Kaneki's blood.

Found it...he said as he reaches his right pocket.

Tsukiyama: Excuse me for a while, i'm just going to the bathroom. *enters the bathroom*

Tsukiyama: ah..that sweet and fragrant aroma...i need a bite
HaHaHAHA.. *sniffing the handkerchief, with him almost loosing his sanity*


The Kanekis are knocking on the bathroom door.

Haise: Tsukiyama-san?

Kuroneki: Hey Tsukiyama-san are you in there?

Shironeki: Tsukiyama-san, what's with the crazy laughing?. Hurry up it's my turn to take a bath!

Tsukiyama: You're mine Kanekis

One thing is for sure, Tsukiyama is going to the yandere borderline.


Haise: This 'chilling' with Tsukiyama is much more harder than i thought.

Kuro&Shiro: Welcome to our world.

Saiko: Sasan that purpled haired dude is scary.


Haise was walking around with Saiko talking about some CCG documents. Until he bumped into a familiar purple haired guy.

Haise: Tsukiyama-san?

Tsukiyama: How could you cheat on me Haise?!

Haise: Huh? What do you mean by cheat? We are not even in a relationship!

Saiko: Sasan, what's going on?

Haise: Saiko, go to :re and wait for me there and also tell kuro and shironeki to come here.

Tsukiyama: Why?

Haise: Listen Tsukiyama-san, first of all we are not in a relationship and second i'm just out with my friend.

Tsukiyama: No excuses Haise

Kuroneki: Haise!

Haise: Thank god..Shiro and Kuro would you mind helping me take this freak off of me!

Tsukiyama: *grabed by the arms* Let go of me!


Haise: Hey Tsukiyama-san are you okay now?

Tsukiyama: Oh i'm fine Haise and just remember one thing *whispers* you're all mine.

Haise: ⊙.⊙ *physically, mentally and emotionally scared for life*

Shironeki: Uh..t-that's enough Tsukiyama-san.

Saiko: Sasan, you have weird friends.


Kuroneki is drinking a cup of coffee while reading a book.

Tsukiyama: *pops out of nowhere* Hi Kuroneki.

Kuroneki: AHH! *Falls out of the chair*

Tsukiyama: Ah, i'm sorry Kuroneki.

Kuroneki: Jeez, Tsukiyama-san you scared me.

Shironeki comes in talking with Haise.

Tsukiyama: Hello there Shironeki and Haise.

Shironeki: Hey.

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