Chapter 1

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Each and everyone of us have a story that we can tell. Some have the most interesting stories, while others may be about how we eat cereal everyday. I believe your story has been pieced together since the beginning of time, and time was its own story. You were another character part of its plot, and with your own backstory to make it interesting. People are added into this time-story, and people are taken out.

Once you've lived it you can read other stories, or either create your own new one, rebirth is what others believe it to be.

If life gets hard sometimes, it's just the climax to your plot, and when it's leveled, you know that you are ending your chapter, and getting ready for your next one.

Chapters in your story are your stages in life. You could have a hundred-billion chapters, while I might only have three. The thing Is that some stories are bigger, like a Harry Potter series, and some are short and end soon, like The fault in our stars.

You write your own chapter for your story, each and every time. Like those books where you make the story, by choosing the ending. For example, you get to a split end, if you go left, you turn to a certain page and continue with your adventure, or you turn right and go to another page to continue this other adventure.

Life has paths, tar and sand, mountain and desert, and it splits eventually, only adding more pages to your story, I'm guessing you want to know my story and how it reached its climax, well, here goes nothing...

We're all stories in the endNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ