Chapter 26

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Mrs. Park stare blankly at the pool. It already been 2 weeks she been tell that Bil run from V's house and she no where found. Mrs. Park approach Mr. Park as he enter their house. "Do you find Bil?" Asks Mrs. Park while she hold Mr. Park's hand. "I'm sorry. They don't find her." Said Mr. Park as Mrs. Park burst into cry. Mr. Park hugged Mrs. Park while he soothe her. 

U-ji sits on the couch while she crossed her arm. "We have to find Bil." Said U-ji as they look her. "How? We don't her whereabout." Said Jin while U-ji chuckled. "Of course we don't know where her. That's why we have to find her. If we know where her, we don't have to find her." Said Hwasa as she raised her brow. "Okay. I will go." Said Jungkook while he stand. "We follow." Said Haeri. "No. I will go alone. All of you wait here because Bil maybe come back." Said Jungkook as he go out from Rap mon's apartment. "But what the reason Bil run from V's house?" Asks Suga make Jungkook stops his steps. "Yeah. She won't get out if V don't chase her out until their marriage enough 1 year. That's what she tell me when we tell her to get out from V's house." Said Hwasa. "Means V chase her out but why he do that?" Asks Haeri. "Guys, V now staying at Eun young's apartment." Said Rap mon as he show V's text. "What the hell he doing at there?" Asks U-ji. "I don't know why but i know Eun young must involve." Said J-hope. Jungkook out from Rap mon's apartment and he drive to Busan. 

Bil open her phone and she sigh when there are 30 missed calls from Hwasa, 20 from Haeri, 40 from Jungkook, 30 from U-ji and 100 text. Bil open the voice message from U-ji. "Bil, where are you? Why you dissappear just like that? Why V do to you? What happen? Can you go back here? We miss you? Bil, pick up the call please." Bil buried her face on her knees as she keep her phone. 'I won't go back to that place anymore. I happy stay at here. No one hate me, no one treat me like a trash and no more enemy.' Think Bil while wiped her tears. "Bil, why you crying?" Asks grandma as she enter Bil's room. "Emm i just miss my parents and my friends." Said Bil while grandma hug her. "Bil, can you tell me what your problem? Maybe by telling me, you will feel okay." "Grandma i'm sorry for lying at you. I'm actually have married. My parents arranged this marriage because they want me to marry their friend's son." "So, you run from the house and your marriage was 4 weeks ago?" "Yeah, i ran from his house. We already married about 10 months ago." "Then, why you run away?" "He tell me to go away." "What happen?" "I almost killed his girlfriend." "Bil, can you tell me more detail why you do that?" Bil sigh and she tell grandma about that day. "What? She willing to do that?" Asks grandma and Bil nodded. Bil tells the that day accident while grandma pats her back. "You should go back then. Your parents must worried about you." "But." "A tough girl won't affected by that kind of guys." Bil smiled and her phone rings. Bil take it and she answer the call. 

Phone Conversation :-  

U-ji : Bil! I want to tell you that your mum is sick. Bil, why you don't pick up the call? 

Bil : Thanks for inform me. 

U-ji : Bil, please come back. Your mum really worried about you. 

Bil : U-ji, can you take care of my mum? I just can't do that. Bye. 

Bil hang up the call and she shut down her phone. 

"You should go back. Your mum really worried about you. Bil, listen to me. Don't do things that will make you regret after you do that." Said grandma as she out from Bil's room. Bil run her finger in her hair and she sigh. 'Omma won't let you go back to that guy if she know the truth. Fine i'll go back just for omma!' Think Bil as she packed her clothes.  

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