He Saved Me Chapter Forty

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Chapter Forty

Bobby's POV

After forty-five minutes, Dr. Collins came back into the room to check on Isobel herself. I stood immediately when she tapped on the door and walked in.

"Hi." She said with a smile. "So she hasn't woken yet." It wasn't a question.

I shook my head as I looked at Isobel on the bed. "Not yet."

"Well okay then. Let us know if you need anything," At that, she turned to leave and I held my hand out to stop her.



I had been thinking about this since we had left the house, but with Johnathan around, I never had the opportunity to ask the questions that I needed to ask. "I have a question to ask, but I need to know that it will be just between you and me. And Isobel of course." I began.

"Of course Mr. Slade. If this is about Isobel, I need to know everything."

My thoughts raced. She was right. Of course she needed to know everything. I glanced at Isobel and the look on her face when she realized that everybody would know everything now flashed in my mind. Would she hate me for telling Dr. Collins about the baby? At this point, I knew I would just have to deal with her anger if it came to that.

"Doctor, she's pregnant." My hands trembled slightly and I brought them up to wipe the nervousness off my face. "Would--is the--how would the drug that you guys gave her affect the baby?"

Dr. Collins froze for a brief second before she composed herself and slipped back into 'calm doctor' mode, but I noticed it. My heartbeat picked up.

"Well..." she began before picking up the chart at the end of Isobel's bed and looking through it. She breathed a sigh and smiled. "Mr. Slade there is nothing to worry about. The drug that Isobel was given should not harm the baby in the least. If it would make you feel better, we can run some tests just to make sure that Isobel and the baby are fine, but I can assure you that the hysterically emotional state that I found Ms. Davis it at her home was much more dangerous to her child than the drug is!"

Her expression and tone reassured me and I was able to calm my breathing somewhat.

"But I have to ask..." She continued without breaking eye contact. "Is the baby....yours?"

Her question made pictures of Chet Peters flash across my mind and my hands clenched into fists as I imagined all the different ways I could kill him. He had been taunting me the day that he arrested me, and I hadn't even known. How could I not have recognized him?

I knew the answer to that question already. I had been blinded by anger and hurt over Isobel rejecting me that day. I don't even remember looking at him twice before labeling him Elmer Fudd. For what must have been the thousandth time that day, I tried to remember if I had even seen his face that night in the alley. I remembered his height and build, but I don't remember the moonlight illuminating his face even once.

"Mr. Slade?"

Dr. Collins's voice made me jump back to attention immediately. "No." I said slowly. "The baby belongs to...." I couldn't say it out loud. She was smart enough to get it.

She began writing something on Isobel's chart and I rose on my toes so that I could read it. She turned her back quickly. "Mr. Slade, I'm sure you can understand why this should be left between Isobel and myself?"

I hung my head slightly. "I understand, Doctor. Just...please. Please make this better for her."

A sad smile slipped onto her face. "Well I think it's going to be up to Isobel, the progress she makes in getting past this. I can only do the best I can." She rubbed a wrinkle out of her jacket and cleared her throat. "Well if we're done here, I will go and call an OB to come and run some tests to make certain the Isobel and her baby are doing well..."

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