Just as Amazing: Cobymeppo

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Helmeppo gazed at his boyfriend. A rare, genuine smile formed on his face. It was a smile that soon faded as a sense of doubt settled in his chest. This did not go unnoticed by the angelic being (or as close as a human could get) that was Coby.

"Is something wrong?" He asked, his expression that of worry. Helmeppo shook his head.

"No. It's not important."

"You sure? Your hands are shaking." Helmeppo watched as Coby took the blonde's hands in his own.

"It's just... I have no idea why you agreed to be my boyfriend. You're amazing Coby, much better than I could ever hope to be." His voice cracked. The truth of the statement dug deep into his chest. It was a nearly suffocating weight. In an attempt to hold back tears, he focused on his hands, as well as the darker ones holding them.

"Helmeppo, look at me." Coby let go of Helmeppo's hands, moving them to remove the blonde's sunglasses and gently tilt his head up. The tears he had been desperately holding back began to flow down his cheeks, blurring Coby's face.

"W-why? Why d-d-do you care about m-m-me?" The blonde hiccuped, sobbing. He would later be thankful nobody was around to see the display.

"Because you're so important to me. I wouldn't be here with out you. A lot of people say I'm amazing, but so are you. And I wouldn't want to be with anyone else." The pink-haired marine punctuated the sentance with a kiss to the blonde's forehead before wrapping his arms around Helmeppo.

"T-thanks. I needed that." Helmeppo mumbled sinking into the embrace. He felt better knowing that Coby's choice to stay with him was genuine. The marine took a deep breath to calm himself, the doubt in his chest gone leaving him feeling weightless.

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