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When I woke up I had a moment of confusion. I didn't know where I was and I was screaming... but nothing came out. Then memorys came flooding back. I was at the hospital, right? All I really remembered was screaming laughter and blood. A lot of blood. Then I finally got enough nerve to open my eyes and look at my surroundings. I felt something heavy on my wrists and ankles. But when I opened my eyes I was in a bed and the heaviness went away in an instant. "Ah, you're finally awake. Ha, we where worried you would never wake up. We found you in a lot with a pretty bad concussion and you where covered in blood. Do you remember anything?" She asked with a soft voice. I swore in my condition she was an angel from heaven that has come to collect me from this hell. ", not r..really. all I rem..remember is scr...reaming amd laughing, and red. A lot of red!" I discribed as if I where in a movie. "Ok. Do you remember where you were before that?" She asked and sounded like if I answered wrong I would be killed or worse, tortured! "I.. I don't remember... I wish I could help..." I said in a panic and lied. I remembered I was at school I remebered that Mr. Flint was scolding me, I remembered it all. "It's fine, thats all I needed. You are going to be staying an a new house that is part of a program for people like you. You can have someone stay with you if you would like." She offered although I knew that I was going to have someone live with me cause I'm only 14. Then something dawned on me and I was scared and shocked. "What's my name?" I asked frightened by the thought of not knowing. "I think it's... Summer. Thats what it says here." After she said that there was only one word in my mind. " help..." I said quiet and soft. " what" the nurse asked with curiosity as if she was waiting for me to say help. "I need help. I am scared for others safty. I r..remember." I said stumbling and worried I might be put in jail or killed. "But I don't wanna die!" I blurted and started crying. Now a days you got the death penalty for murder no matter what age. If you were five and killed someone, dead. If you were 99 and killed someone, dead. It just didn't matter. The nurse came over and gave me a hug. "I will help you. I can bring you some place safe and won't let anything or anyone touch you. Come with me." She whispered in my ear so fast I had to let it settle for a minute then I stood up and wobbled a little bit. Then I found my balance and walked to the other side of the room and saw the nurse holding a knife. I backed up and felt fear hit me like a truck. "C...could y.. you put that a..a.. away?" I asked trembling. "Well if we get caught then we have to protect ourselves." She said but she sounded sarcastic. She looked at the wall and I saw a line just bearly visible. She put her hand on it and pushed just a little bit, and it went in and over to my surprise. She told me to follow her so I did and getting in the small tunnel made me feel queasy and I felt an unexplainable feeling and I couldn't tell if it was a good thing or a bad thing. "Hey... you have another k...k...knife with you." I asked and a chill went down my back and I could feel myself wanting to hurt something but I didn't know why. "No, sorry but I was only able to grap one without being seen but if you want this one here." She put her hand out with the knife and I froze. A smile grew across her face and I silently screamed as I felt a pain grow in my wrist. I didn't dare look down because I knew already what I would see. I looked down anyway and saw a long cut down my wrist and it hit the vain. Then I heard a yell and a bang on the door. My vision was starting to blur and I was scared. Then with the last of my strength I wasn't gonna go down without a fight. I turned and grabbed the knife out of the nurses hand and stabbed her in the neck with all my force. Then she started to panic and right before I went down one thing passed my mind... "I'm...I'm. .. g... g.. gonna d...d...die..." I whispered with the last bit of me left and everything went black.

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