Chapter 22

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We got onto the plane, it was really nice for a low class plane! I sat next to a window and Dan sat on the other side. At least i won't be sitting next to some random guy. In front was Kevin and Barry. Beside us was Arin, Suzy, and Brian and behind us was Holly and Ross. I made a quick blog saying we we're on are way to New York then put the camera away.

Suddenly the plane took of! I sat there taking in my surroundings. You could see everything from up here, it was like being a bird. Not afraid to fly, and free. I wish i was free, well i am but not in the aspects of being able to defy gravity or something along those lines? I wonder what it must be like to defy gravity? Yeah, everybody would die. Make's sense!

I flashed back into reality when i was tapped on the shoulder by Dan. "Hey, want something to eat?" I shook my head. "No, i'm fine. I would like a drink though." He nodded as he went to go get one. Once he got back i was listening to my music. Which consisted of fall out boy, Panic! at the disco and falling in reverse. Roxanne showed me them, there her favourite band! I sat there in my own thoughts for the next six hours.

When we got out the plane it was so cold! In LA it was like, 15 degrees when we left! It felt like i was about to die! "I don't know how you survived here as a kid Dan!" Arin yelled. "I didn't survive here, i survived in New Jersey!" Arin groaned. "Same thing!". I laughed at there conversation as we walked to get our bags. 

I thought i might film again as we just made it, so i did! "Hey, so we just made it to New York and i'm freezing my tits of!" Kevin who heard what i said laughed and came over. "Its not that bad if you brought a jumper." I groaned as he laughed more. "Yeah, i don't need a jumper cuz i'm not a pussy!" Dan came over and smirked. "HEY PUSSY LIPS!" We all laughed as i stopped the film. 

We got into a taxi and went to a fancy looking hotel. When we got our rooms we unpacked, i had to shared my room with Dan, Brian, Kevin and Barry. We had the most people in our room, which to me was a good thing! For everyone else... Lets just say they weren't as happy as me. When we had finished unpacking we went to go eat something in the hotels food... Area? I had no idea what its called... We ate our dinner and headed to our rooms and got dressed.

Its hard to explain but think of it like this. I had my own section to the room, Dan and Brian had to share and so did Kevin and Barry. I was the lucky one basically! I looked out the window before i fell asleep. All the flashing lights, they filled me with such a happy feeling. As if there was a warm fire inside me, and the more light i see the brighter it gets. Soon enough i fell asleep...

Well! I'm here! (A game grumps adoption story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें