Chapter 2

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Melanie's Pov
Its been three days since Mrs.Tiff made that stupid announcement and no one has showed even the slightest interest in me. That rude girl from the hall way has even been picked up but I'm still stuck here, it isn't fair. I just need a kind, loving Dom. Someone who's gentle and actually cares about my well being. Ha like that will ever happen. Anyways I'd rather not worry, I'll just go sit in the play room with Lee Lee and wait. I only have eleven more days to find a home and I think it's going to be very hard to do.

Dean's Pov
God dammit it's been three days and I still haven't come across any littles. Not even the slightest hint that a little even exists in this hot ass state. I've been told there's an auction house but I don't want to go there, it'll just be a bunch of whores dressed in skimpy outfits. I don't want something like that. I want a real babygirl, someone who still has their innocence. A little girl who's sweet and kind. I want something real and I surely won't find that at an auction house. I suppose I'll just have to keep looking for that special one.

*The photo at the top is what Melanie looks like. Yes, I'm basing her off Melanie Martinez because why not.

*I know this ones very short but it's just a little filler chapter, I'll most likely be updating again shortly.

*Comment what you think so far?

His BabygirlTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon