Chapter Four: The Test

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"I asked to be let off tour earlier, so we could go home early." I heard Oli's voice say when I woke up. I grunted and covered my face with my hands. "So, Lee, apparently, your mum is ill." 

"Sucks." Lee grunted, laughing a little bit. I sighed and opened my eyes. There they stood, acting like nothing was wrong. 

Where's Jordan? I signed. No one looked at me. I would have to talk to them at some point. Could I talk to them? I opened my mouth to see if I actually could. 

"Wh-" I broke off because my voice sounded so strange. Then again, I hadn't heard myself speak in eight years. I frowned and coughed a little. The men were silent as they stared at me in confusion. 

"Jasey, did you just try to talk?" Oli whispered, walking to me. I coughed into my hand and looked away and at the ground. 

"Wh-" I stopped again and just stared at the floor, my eyes pooling with tears. 

"It's alright, darling." Oli cooed, coming closer to me. I rolled away and struggled with the tie on my hands. When I finally released myself, I undid my legs. I stood and gave them a look and they just looked back at me. I was in a room with Oli, Lee, and Matt. "Try again." 

I shook my head sharply and made a noise in the back of my throat. Oli sighed. 

"Well, it was a nice try." he cheered. I frowned. 


He looked blankly at me. I frowned and decided to play sherades with him. 

"OH! Paper? Yeah. I got some." He dug in his pocket and handed me a napkin with a girl's number on it and some lipstick on it. He handed me a pen and smiled at me. I flinched at his happiness. 

Where's Jordan?

"He's with Vegan. He's trying to figure something out." Oli said, his head resting on my shoulder. I shoved his head away and started to write something else. 

How long is it going to take for you to trust me?

Oli sighed. "We can try tonight. We have one show left. Then it's relaxing until we go back across the pond. So, we can try to trust you tonight. It's a big you think you can handle it?" Oli peered at me anxiously. I nodded, not wanting to disappoint him. He smiled carefully. "Good." 

"Are you serious, Oli? We can't fucking trust her like that!" Matt snapped, his expression angry. "Taking her to the concert? Are you fucking insane?" 

"Maybe. It will just test her." Oli said, his eyes not leaving me. "See how much she wants to go home." He looked at me, his eyes softening slightly. "You do want to go home, right?" 

I nodded and he smiled. "Good. Then the final decision happens tonight." He nodded at me once. "We're taking you to the concert tonight. Then you're going to come with us to a small cabin we rented out for a while. Then we'll bring you home. After we have a talk with you. Okay?" 

I nodded and slowly sat back in happiness. I was finally going to go home. I was finally happier than hell. Finally. 

I heard the door open and in walked Vegan and Jordan. Jordan smiled when he noticed I was awake and he walked to me. 

How did you sleep? he asked, his hands, quivering slightly. 

Good. Like rock. I smiled and quickly told him the next thing. Oli says I can go home soon.

Jordan's expression was hard to read. "What?" he muttered, looking at Oli. Oli sighed.

He explained the plan to the two and they gave him weird looks. 

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