Golden Discovery

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You sat down in a particularly large pile of ash brushing off each layer with careful scrutiny making distinctions between burned debris, pieces or chunks of steel searching for any lost vintage treasure worth keeping. It was last night you heard of the news of this once infamous pizzeria turned horror attraction had burned to the ground, at that point your couldn't help but feel a bit of sadness, sure you have never personally been there, its been thirty years since the place closed down for good. long before you were even a twinkle in your parent's eyes. However being an adopted member of the Schmidt family you were treated to some fantastical tales from your good old Grandpa Mike about his youth and his first summer job at the infamous Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria and gravely spoke of some of the details, from the unsolved mysteries to the rumors of the animatronic mascots being possessed by the restless and vengeful spirits of 5 children murdered there.

While your adoptive parents and your three siblings may have scoffed and rolled their eyes at these stories not really believing in ghosts and whatnot, it was you that had taken a personal interest in these urban legends and made it something of a goal to collect some of the vintage artifacts from the now extinct family dining franchise. Even if the fire consumed most of the salvageable goods it didn't stop you from putting on some protective gear and going out to the charred corpse of the place risking getting caught by the owners of this place, to dig though the ashes to find something. anything at all. something that would hopefully be a conversation piece proudly displayed in your bedroom along with other curiosities you had acquired over time.

Having unearthed what appeared to be an old mask with purple tear marks and red blush-like spots for its cheeks you brushed off some of the ash and held it up to the natural sun light that poured into the bare-bones structure of twisted steel for a better look at this object, it was mask for sure but it had some bits of what was likely wire sticking out from it indicating that it may have once been more of a part of some animatronic of sorts. You smiled brightly 'so far so good! not even 20 minutes have gone by and I already found my something fascinating here' you though gleefully as you placed the mask carefully inside your backpack, zipped it up, and got up, carefully stepping over large pieces of the infrastructure and moving onward. you took a moment to take in your surroundings despite it being the ruins of a once thriving establishment you couldn't help but feel although just barely, as though there is a certain lingering presence here somewhere here, like there is someone or something watching you, you shivered slightly at the though but then shrugged it off as a part of your imagination running off the rails a bit and decided to take one last look around before you leave this place.

Squeezing in between two support beams and nearly falling you catch yourself and dust yourself off, apparently this was one of the rooms still somewhat intact, you looked at the burnt walls and desks pushed up against the wall and the many over turned chairs on the floor and saw a strange looking pile on the floor in the corner of the room just barely under the little light filtering in, you squinted then moved in for a better look, careful not to trip over the chairs and some wire you approached the strange pile with awe, then you finally processed what you were seeing;

it was a full body suit laying on the ground nearly black with ash, but it had a greenish-yellow hue, and it was partially melted in some areas, you could still see a head with empty eye-sockets, a nose, its arms and legs, and and two long appendages on the top of its head. Looking at it you could tell it was an old rabbit mascot character, you though hard trying to recall anything about a Golden rabbit mascot that grandpa Mike may or may not have mentioned but nothing came up, you then proceeded to wrap your fingers around the head of the suit and picked it up gingerly, ash then fell out from inside the old head and you ended up dropping the head back down in shock,
"Ah! were did all this ash come from?!" you squeaked to no one in particular you scooted back a little then spotted something in that pile of ash, bits of white stuck out. upon closer inspection they appeared to be... teeth. wait! teeth?! like human teeth?! you screeched and fell back on your butt "d-did someone actually die in here during the fire?" you though suddenly bummed out by the though of probably finding the remains of some poor Fazbear's Fright worker who got trapped in the inferno.

The Voice(Ghost!Purple guy X Reader) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now